शिवलिंग का नाम शिवलिंग क्यों पड़ा?

शिवलिंग का नाम शिवलिंग क्यों पड़ा? शिवलिंग शब्द में शिव का अनंत अस्तित्व अन्तर्निहित है ”शिवलिंग” शब्द बहुत गहरा है. इसमें शिव के अनंत अस्तित्व की परिभाषा दर्शित है. शून्य, आकाश, अनन्त, ब्रह्माण्ड और निराकार परमपुरुष का प्रतीक होने से शिव लिंग शब्द को प्रयोग में लाया जाता है. यदि स्कन्दपुराण में देखें तो वहां […]

What do you understand by object drawing?

What do you understand by object drawing? What Is a Drawing Object. A Drawing object describes visible content, such as a shape, bitmap, video, or a line of text. Different types of drawings describe different types of content. The following is a list of the different types of drawing objects. How do you read a […]

Why do they call Floridians crackers?

Why do they call Floridians crackers? The origin of the term “Florida Cracker” is somewhat in dispute. Some say it refers to the cracking sound made by the whips used by early white settlers to herd their cattle. Others say the term comes from the use of cracked corn in making moonshine, a common activity […]

Can we pet wolf?

Can we pet wolf? Remember that wolves are not domesticated animals. Though people keep wolves as pets when they’ve raised them from a puppy, they are still instinctual animals that can’t completely be tamed. Do not take a wolf from the wild. If you are interested in owning a wolf, do not get one from […]

Does the liquid in glow sticks stain?

Does the liquid in glow sticks stain? The liquids inside of a glow stick give the product its shine, but if the outer plastic tubing breaks, those contents will leak and potentially stain items like clothing. Clothing needs to be cleaned immediately, or the liquids could leave a permanent stain. Rinse the stain with cold […]

What name means protector?

What name means protector? Names That Mean Protector Alastair – Scottish name meaning “defender” Alessandra – Greek name meaning “protector” Alexa – Greek name meaning “defender” Alois – German name meaning “warrior” Aloysius – French name meaning “warrior” Andro – Greek name meaning “warrior” Batair – Gaelic name meaning “warrior” What is the word for […]

Is epilepsy hereditary from father?

Is epilepsy hereditary from father? Most children will not inherit epilepsy from a parent, but the chance of inheriting some types of epilepsy is higher. How is epilepsy genetically inherited? Epilepsy is said to have a genetic cause if seizures are the result of a known or presumed genetic defect or problem associated with epilepsy. […]

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