What did Edward Jenner discover about the diseases?

What did Edward Jenner discover about the diseases? The steps taken by Edward Jenner to create vaccination, the first vaccine for smallpox. Jenner did this by inoculating James Phipps with cowpox, a virus similar to smallpox, to create immunity, unlike variolation, which used smallpox to create an immunity to itself. Why did Edward Jenner invent […]

What kind of sound does a quail make?

What kind of sound does a quail make? Both male and female Gambel’s Quail give a distinctive 3–4 note call when separated from covey members. Potential threats or something suspicious near the covey triggers a chip-chip-chip, and if a direct threat occurs the birds give a crear-crear or squawk alarm call as they take wing. […]

What type of art is Australia known for?

What type of art is Australia known for? Aboriginal and Indigenous Art The visual arts have a long history in Australia, from ancient Aboriginal rock paintings to colonial landscapes to contemporary movements of today. How Aboriginal culture influenced art in Australia today? The art of the Aboriginal culture is based on important ancient stories. Even […]

What is Max trailer height?

What is Max trailer height? Per the California Vehicle Code (CVC), no loads shall exceed a height of 14 feet. The CVC Height Section is 35250, and is copied below: 35250. What is the height of a trailer? If you look around at all of the travel trailers on sale today, the exterior height of […]

Who came up with the idea of toast?

Who came up with the idea of toast? Toasting bread in ancient times was a means of preserving it. The Romans spread the idea of toast throughout Europe, even into Britain, and the colonists brought toast to the Americas. The word ‘toast,’ in fact, comes from the Latin word tostum, meaning scorch or burn. When […]

Can you dig wells in the desert?

Can you dig wells in the desert? Wild horses walk through dry brush in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada, near where the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts come together. New research shows wild horses and burros in both deserts can dig wells up to six feet deep to find water. Why are wells dug? With […]

How do you keep icing sugar from dissolving?

How do you keep icing sugar from dissolving? To Keep Powdered Sugar from Melting, Add Cornstarch Powdered sugar already contains cornstarch, and adding a little extra makes your powdered sugar last longer. What is the difference between icing sugar and icing snow? Key Differences Icing sugar gets defined as the sugar present in the granular […]

What are the symptoms of nerve damage in the shoulder?

What are the symptoms of nerve damage in the shoulder? What are the symptoms of axillary nerve dysfunction? feel numbness or tingling in the shoulder region. have weakness in the shoulders. have problems with normal physical activities, such as lifting your arms above your head. have difficulty lifting objects. What are the symptoms of nerve […]

How do I get my Internet Explorer toolbar back?

How do I get my Internet Explorer toolbar back? The Internet Explorer Menu Bar Approach #1: press and release the ALT key. Internet Explorer showing the menu bar in response to pressing ALT. This will make the menu toolbar appear temporarily, and you can use the keyboard or mouse to access it normally, after which […]

Does Whirlpool still make water coolers?

Does Whirlpool still make water coolers? Whirlpool® Water Coolers You will be redirected from the Whirlpool® brand website to the website of Electrotemp, which manufactures Whirlpool Water Cooler Products under license. How do you clean a whirlpool self cleaning water cooler? Follow these steps to clean and disinfect your water cooler with your cleaning solution […]

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