What happens after Chyme? When all of the nutrients have been absorbed from chyme, the remaining waste material passes to the end of the large intestine, the sigmoid colon and rectum, to be stored as fecal matter until it is ready to be excreted from the body. Where does Chyme go after the stomach? Chyme […]
Does a battery and a gum wrapper make fire?
Does a battery and a gum wrapper make fire? The hack. Grab a battery (perhaps from a flashlight) and the foil wrapper from a stick of gum. Position yourself close to a pile of kindling and hold the two ends of the foil against the two battery terminals. Within seconds the strip should ignite and […]
Why do gardeners use compost?
Why do gardeners use compost? Gardeners and farmers improve the quality of their soil by adding compost or manure . Adding compost or manure helps recycle minerals so that they are absorbed by new plants and used in growth. Compost and manure also improve the quality of soil by increasing aeration and water retention. What […]
What bolt pattern does a 2007 Jeep Liberty have?
What is the difference between types of harmonicas?
What is the difference between types of harmonicas? There are two main categories of harmonicas: Diatonic – which only contains the notes of a specific scale and are mainly used in Blues, Rock, Country and Pop music. Chromatic – which can play all notes in the chromatic scale and are mainly used in Jazz and […]
Is there a black fairy?
What are the resources of Jollibee?
What are the resources of Jollibee? Physical Resources • Physical assets such as production equipments, storage facilities, distribution centers and employees form the physical resources of Jollibee. Technological Resources Jollibee invest on state-of-the-art technology on their operations systems to constantly train their managers to amidst competition. What is human resource management in the Philippines? Within […]
How did the calico cat get its name?
How did the calico cat get its name? Calico cats are not a specific breed of cat. The name generally refers to cats that are primarily white but also have patches of other colors to distinguish themselves, such as orange and black fur. Calicos are predominately female because of the genetic code that accounts for […]