How old should a Doberman be to breed?

How old should a Doberman be to breed? If you are looking for a straight answer the male should be atleast 18 months and the female 2 years. But heck, most reputable breeders will wait till even later to finish the dogs, get some interest in their dog or bitch, and do the propper health […]

What does IC stand for in texting?

What does IC stand for in texting? IC means “I See”. The abbreviation IC is used with the meaning “I See” to indicate that someone understands a message or situation. The use of IC implies that the sender understands what has been said, without necessarily being in agreement or wishing to comment. What is an […]

When should an employee receive a contract of employment?

When should an employee receive a contract of employment? From April 2020, the written statement of particulars must be provided on or before the first day of employment. Current workers can request a written statement including the additional information which is now required. Employers should comply with these requests within one month. What qualifies as […]

What does 3 long beeps mean on startup?

What does 3 long beeps mean on startup? Memory Error Why does my Acer laptop keep making a beeping noise? When the system processor or Random Access Memory (RAM), or hard disk is not working properly, it will give the system alert using the beep sound. I would recommend you to check if the RAM […]

What are two advantages of a franchise?

What are two advantages of a franchise? Advantages of buying a franchise Franchisors usually provide the training you need to operate their business model. Franchises have a higher rate of success than start-up businesses. You may find it easier to secure finance for a franchise. What are the advantages of opening a franchise? A franchise […]

How is Animal Farm like communism?

How is Animal Farm like communism? Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. Mr. Jones and the humans represent the capitalists of the West. The pigs represent the leaders of the Russian Revolution and the animals are replacing the human capitalist system with their own communist system. How is dictatorship shown in animal […]

What is the purpose of stock exchanges?

What is the purpose of stock exchanges? What Is the Purpose of a Stock Exchange? A stock exchange brings companies and investors together. A stock exchange helps companies raise capital or money by issuing equity shares to be sold to investors. What is the purpose of the SEC? The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission […]

What are the personal details in CV?

What are the personal details in CV? What personal details should be on my CV? Your name. Write your name in a larger font than the rest of your CV to make it stand out. Marital status and family. Date of birth. Nationality. Contact details. Other information that you can include on your CV. What […]

What is the correct tire pressure for a Harley Davidson?

What is the correct tire pressure for a Harley Davidson? Springtime: Check Your Tire Pressure! Most Harley-DavidsonĀ® motorcycles are equipped with DunlopĀ® tires; the tire pressures (cold) should be 36psi front and 40psi rear. Also, check your tires for uneven tread wear and any deterioration in the sidewalls and in the tread itself. What is […]

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