What animal is Estivate?

What animal is Estivate? Animals who estivate include the fat-tailed lemur (the first mammal discovered who estivates); many reptiles and amphibians, including the North American desert tortoise, the spotted turtle, the California tiger salamader, and the water-holding frog; certain air-breathing land snails; and some insects, including bees. What is hibernation and Estivation? Brumation is known […]

Should I pay off collections or wait 7 years?

Should I pay off collections or wait 7 years? If you pay an account in collections in full, its impact doesn’t go away immediately. You’ll have to wait until it reaches the statute of limitations before it’s removed from your credit report, which is normally around seven years. Avoid a debt collection lawsuit for unpaid […]

How do you save Annette in Castlevania?

How do you save Annette in Castlevania? For Annette to be saved, you MUST have rescued both Terra and Iris. Annette is found in Stage 7. Make your way through the level as you would normally, but once inside the clocktower-ish area (where water ghosts appear), look for a Red Skeleton Wall. Destroying it nets […]

What is Jonathan Swift criticizing in a modest proposal?

What is Jonathan Swift criticizing in a modest proposal? In A Modest Proposal, Swift vents his mounting aggravation at the ineptitude of Ireland’s politicians, the hypocrisy of the wealthy, the tyranny of the English, and the squalor and degradation in which he sees so many Irish people living. What social issues might modest proposal criticize? […]

What is a example of euphemism?

What is a example of euphemism? A euphemism is a word or expression used in lieu of a harsher alternative. For example, someone might say they’re “taking an early retirement” instead of admitting they got fired. What euphemisms do we use today? Today, you’re going to learn 25 common euphemism phrases in English….Euphemisms for death […]

How much sugar is in a sugar packet?

How much sugar is in a sugar packet? A typical sugar packet in the United States contains 2 to 4 grams of sugar. How many carbs are in a sugar packet? Sugar, like all carbohydrates, contains food energy. Every gram of carbohydrate has about 4 calories. One teaspoon of sugar has about 5 grams of […]

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