What was Thomas Jefferson first lady?

What was Thomas Jefferson first lady? Martha Jefferson Randolph What did Thomas Jefferson’s wife Martha die of? Martha was weakened by the physical strain of so many pregnancies. In September 1782 she died at Monticello, possibly from complications following Lucy’s birth in May 1782. How did Thomas Jefferson propose to his wife? On one occasion, […]

What is dystopia simple?

What is dystopia simple? From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia, and can mean a utopia that has become corrupt. This can be seen in George Orwell’s book 1984. and Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World. A dystopia often has many problems, such as poverty, pollution, or […]

Why is fan fiction so popular?

Why is fan fiction so popular? Fanfiction embraces the original works, and adapts them in a way that allows readers to explore other identities beyond the scope of the mainstream fiction. Reading and writing doesn’t get much more powerful than that. But fanfiction isn’t just good for readers, it’s an incredible opportunity for writers, too. […]

What bugs can red eared sliders eat?

What bugs can red eared sliders eat? Prey Items: Earthworms, crickets, waxworms, silkworms, aquatic snails, bloodworms, daphnia, shrimp, krill, and mealworms. For very small turtles, prey may have to be cut into smaller pieces. How do I know if my turtle has salmonella? Be aware that Salmonella infection can be caused by contact with reptiles […]

How does acid rain affect seed germination?

How does acid rain affect seed germination? increased acidic level (pH 2.0) of the rain water affects the seed germination by the rate of 40% as compared to that of lower level of acidity (pH 4.0 and 5.0). Will acid rain affect plant growth? Acid rain decreases the pH of the soil, causing its acidity […]

Do earthworms have closed circulatory system?

Do earthworms have closed circulatory system? And like vertebrates, earthworms have a brain that produces hormones in times of stress. Then there’s the closed circulatory system, complete with arteries, veins and capillaries. The earthworm’s blood contains hemoglobin, the red protein that carries oxygen, just as in our blood. Which animal has open circulatory system? As […]

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