Are there vultures in the Kalahari Desert?

Are there vultures in the Kalahari Desert? 12 Lappet-faced Vultures were also counted, a vulture species that is of considerable conservation concern. Threats to southern Africa’s nine recorded species are unfortunately not restricted to Lappet-faced Vultures alone. Are there crocodiles in Somalia? The Nile crocodile, the largest crocodilian found in Africa, is very common in […]

How much does a ExxonMobil employee make?

How much does a ExxonMobil employee make? The average estimated annual salary, including base and bonus, at ExxonMobil is $127,687, or $61 per hour, while the estimated median salary is $131,036, or $62 per hour. Salaries contributed from ExxonMobil employees include job titles like Account Executive. How much has ExxonMobil contributed to education programs around […]

What is the meaning of agreement of sale?

What is the meaning of agreement of sale? Definition: An agreement of sale constitutes the terms and conditions of sale of a property by the seller to the buyer. These terms and conditions include the amount at which it is to be sold and the future date of full payment. Agreement of sale is the […]

How did Friends characters get their names?

How did Friends characters get their names? The characters were all named after characters from the soap opera All My Children. Inspiration needs to come from somewhere, right? Chandler’s name comes from the All My Children’s Chandler family. Rachel Green, from Janet Green. What are the Friends characters personalities? Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Friends Characters […]

What caterpillars are attracted to Dill?

What caterpillars are attracted to Dill? Although other butterflies may visit dill once in a while, the most common caterpillars to find on this plant are those of anise swallowtails. According to Butterflies and Moths of North America, these showy, black and yellow butterflies have a wingspan of up to 3 1/2 inches and distinctive […]

What is the average price for a burger?

What is the average price for a burger? $4.49 How many burgers will 2 lbs of beef make? How Many Burgers Does a pound make? For each pound of ground beef you can make 4 burgers. What happens if you put too many eggs in meatloaf? Q-Whenever I make meatloaf, using eggs and bread crumbs […]

Which fishing line is the strongest?

Which fishing line is the strongest? braided line Are Power Pro Fishing Lines Good? Great product and highly recommend it for fresh and salt water. Be ready for some very long casts, and if using mono backing, make SURE you have plenty of Power Pro on to bury the union knot deep on the reel. […]

Do I need to bring my indoor plants outside?

Do I need to bring my indoor plants outside? Most indoor plants thrive in outdoor conditions, although it’s best to keep tender tropical plants, such as moth orchids and African violets, indoors. But although they’re already accustomed to shade and warm temperatures, your plants will suffer if moved outside all in one go, so acclimatise […]

Will geese adopt other goslings?

Will geese adopt other goslings? Mike Lamp/CPR News Abandoned goslings can be “adopted” by other geese families with the help of wildlife rehabilitators. After the adoption, the stray baby goose may even snuggle up with their new siblings, as seen here. What do you do with an abandoned baby goose? Contact a wildlife rehabilitator for […]

How do you make a golf ball cleaner?

How do you make a golf ball cleaner? Mix together 2 tablespoons of ammonia with 1 cup warm water and 1 tablespoon whiting into a bowl. Add balls and soak for about 12-15 minutes. Remove balls and scrub using the mixture with an old toothbrush. Rinse and dry. How do I make my golf ball […]

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