Who was the first man eating meat? Zaraska says there’s ample archaeological evidence that by 2 million years ago the first Homo species were actively eating meat on a regular basis. Neanderthals hunting a zebra for food. What food did habilis exploit that no one else could get to? Stone tools allowed early Homo to […]
Does PCSX work on Mac?
Does PCSX work on Mac? Here you’ll be able to select and configure your PCSX plugins. Select each plugin and modify the controls and settings to your desire. The sound and graphic plugins should work fine on your Mac via the default settings. Is there a PS3 emulator for Mac? RetroArch RetroArch is the ultimate […]
What fruit grows in Madagascar?
What fruit grows in Madagascar? Madagascar Fruits Fruits in Madagascar. Madagascar is a country that is known for a lot of things that are unique and this is where the fruits come in. Bananas. The Baobab fruit. The Mangosteen fruit. The mountain apple. The Longan fruit. The jackfruit. The grapefruits. What do they drink in […]
What is technical support representative?
What is technical support representative? Technical support representatives help customers resolve technical problems associated with a product or service. They usually communicate with clients via phone calls, emails, web chat or face-to-face interaction to provide step-by-step solutions effective in resolving hardware or software problems. What kind of occupation is call center? A call center agent […]
Is it worth being a physical therapist?
Is it worth being a physical therapist? This study concluded that PT school is a good investment “up to a certain amount of student debt.” According to the study, with the average debt level reported by recent US DPT graduates ($86,563), physical therapy’s net present value “was higher than occupational therapy, optometry, veterinary medicine, and […]
What size is 37 in US womens shoes?
What caused Stephen of Cloyes to organize a crusade?
What caused Stephen of Cloyes to organize a crusade? By the time Stephen of Cloyes and his followers reached Paris in 1212, they were exhausted, hungry and thirsty. But nothing could keep their leader from his bold mission. His entourage waited as Stephen demanded—and got—an audience from the King of France to ask for permission […]
Are south facing windows good for plants?
Are south facing windows good for plants? A south-facing window is an excellent place to keep indoor plants, as long as you keep the right types of indoor house plants and take steps to protect them from extreme direct sunlight. The bright natural light of southern exposure provides plenty of energy for plants that like […]
How many countries are in Central and South America?
How many countries are in Central and South America? There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today, according to the United Nations. How many countries are there in North America? 23 sovereign states How many countries are there in the Americas? 35 countries What 2 states are not part of the continental […]
Why study of hydraulics is important in drilling?
Why study of hydraulics is important in drilling? Drilling hydraulics is considered the most important factor in drilling performance. The rate of penetration can be significantly increased using state-of-the-art techniques for hydraulics optimization to minimize drilling cost. What is hydraulic drill? Drilling hydraulics refers to how the drilling fluid in the circu- lating system exerts […]