What is the American word for theatre?

What is the American word for theatre? theater What word is theatre? A theatre is the place where plays are performed, especially in England, because the normal American spelling of theatre is theater. Theatre comes from the Ancient Greek theatron, which means a place for showing, or performing. Now we call the place and the […]

Can pigeon chest cause problems?

Can pigeon chest cause problems? Pectus carinatum does not typically cause any serious health problems. It may cause troublesome symptoms in some children, however, including shortness of breath, asthma, pain, fatigue, and a rapid heart rate. The outlook for children with pectus carinatum is excellent with the use of a chest brace. How do you […]

What are the qualities of a good engineer?

What are the qualities of a good engineer? The following skills and personality traits are general requirements for all engineers. Math and Computer Skills. Organization and Attention to Detail. Curiosity. Creativity. Critical Thinking. Intuition. How can I be a good engineer? 14 Tips for Becoming a Successful Engineer Define Your Goals. Commit Yourself to Continuous […]

How many aortic arches does an earthworm have?

How many aortic arches does an earthworm have? five aortic arches Is Earthworm heart myogenic? The hearts of the invertebrate mollusks, like those of vertebrates, are myogenic. They are sensitive to pressure and fail to give maximum beats unless distended; the beats become stronger and more frequent… Does an earthworm have a neurogenic heart? Neurogenic […]

What happens when water containing iron is chlorinated?

What happens when water containing iron is chlorinated? The growth of iron bacteria can be controlled by chlorination. However, when water containing iron is chlorinated, the iron is converted from the ferrous state to the ferric state–in other words, rust–and manganese is converted into black manganese dioxide. Does chlorine remove iron from water? Chlorine oxidizes […]

What is the ancestor of the harpsichord?

What is the ancestor of the harpsichord? psaltery What family does the harpsichord belong to? However, most keyboard instruments are not true members of the percussion family because their sound is not produced by the vibration of a membrane or solid material. The harpsichord is an early relative of the piano. Although it looks like […]

Does baking soda remove blood?

Does baking soda remove blood? A baking soda paste (two parts baking soda to 1 part water) is also a good trick to help lift blood stains. Apply the poultice directly to the stain and leave it for up to 30 minutes. After you’ve removed the paste, carefully blot the area with a damp cloth […]

What is the point of quilting?

What is the point of quilting? Quilting is another form of sewing, where two layers of fabric with a layer of batting in-between are usually stitched together. The basic purpose of quilting is to provide warmth to the user, but quilt stitches are also used to create interest and beauty. What are the 3 different […]

What is a good heart rate when exercising?

What is a good heart rate when exercising? The American Heart Association (AHA) advise that people aim to reach between 50% and 85% of their maximum heart rate during exercise. According to their calculations, maximum heart rate is around 220 beats per minute (bpm) minus the person’s age. Is a heart rate of 140 bad […]

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