Why was the Protea chosen as a national symbol?

Why was the Protea chosen as a national symbol? In 1976, South African flower was officially declared as South Africa’s national flower presiding over the previous “suikerbossie” flower (Sugar-bush). This resulted from protea wide distribution and prolific dominance in South Africa hence earning the popularity and status as one of the South African National symbols. […]

What is front limitation?

What is front limitation? When you want to know how far forward you can pull into a parking space or where to stop at an intersection, you will need to determine where the front of your car ends, i.e., where your car’s front limitation is. This is when the front of your car will be […]

How many GAA members are there in Ireland?

How many GAA members are there in Ireland? Gaelic Athletic Association Cumann Lúthchleas Gael Purpose The management and promotion of Gaelic games, and promotion of Irish culture and language Headquarters Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland Region served Worldwide Membership (2014) 500,000+ What’s the most played sport in Ireland? Association football Why is Gaelic football popular in […]

Who is the character Hyman Roth based on?

Who is the character Hyman Roth based on? mobster Meyer Lansky Was it Hyman Roth or Frank Pentangeli? There’s one other explanation: Hyman Roth could have told the Rosatto brothers that Michael wanted Pentangeli dead and they would be doing him a service by killing him. After all, Michael had told Roth that Pentangeli “was […]

What is Pyramid use for?

What is Pyramid use for? Pyramids. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. What makes the pyramids so special? The shape of […]

What islands are included in the Greater Antilles?

What islands are included in the Greater Antilles? Greater Antilles, the four largest islands of the Antilles (q.v.)—Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico—lying north of the Lesser Antilles chain. How many countries make up the Greater Antilles? Three Which island in the Greater Antilles includes two countries? The Antillean islands are divided into two smaller […]

Why was John the Baptist important?

Why was John the Baptist important? John the Baptist, (born 1st decade bce, Judaea, Palestine, near Jerusalem—died 28–36 ce; feast day June 24), Jewish prophet of priestly origin who preached the imminence of God’s Final Judgment and baptized those who repented in self-preparation for it; he is revered in the Christian church as the forerunner […]

How long does a 2013 Ford Fiesta last?

How long does a 2013 Ford Fiesta last? With adequate maintenance and conscientious use, a Ford Fiesta can push 200,000 miles before falling apart. However, most people rarely use the car past 150,000 miles before changing it. What kind of transmission does a 2012 Ford Fiesta have? Lineup. The 2012 Ford Fiesta comes as four […]

What RPM should a diesel cruise at?

What RPM should a diesel cruise at? It used to be an accepted rule of thumb that a diesel could safely tolerate a cruising speed of about 200 rpm less than full throttle, but that was before the advent of new high-speed diesels that may max out as high as 3600 rpm. How can I […]

Why is wood used to make chairs?

Why is wood used to make chairs? Wood is one of the most popular materials used to make chairs and benches because of its rich appearance, durability, and ease of construction. All woods can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. There is some relationship between the hardness of the wood and the type of tree […]

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