Which type of power connector should be used to connect to a CD ROM? Verify connections Your CD-ROM should have at least two cables connected to it: a Molex power cable and an ATAPI / IDE or SATA cable. The IDE or SATA cable should also connect to the motherboard or another interface card, and […]
How many challenges do you get per game?
How many challenges do you get per game? Each coach is allowed two opportunities per game to make a coach’s challenge. Before the 2004 NFL season, the instant replay rule was slightly changed to allow a third challenge if both of the original two challenges were successful. How many challenges do you get in an […]
Can a bird survive with one wing?
Can a bird survive with one wing? A bird cannot fly with one wing only. Human space flight cannot develop any further without the active participation of women. The wandering albatross, for instance, can travel 10,000 miles (16,090 kilometers) without flapping its wings even once. What happens if a bird loses a wing? When a […]
Is Ime degree valid?
Is Ime degree valid? IME ( India) is valid degree approved by AICTE and the course contains section A and Section B. Upon completion of the same, you may go ahead for higher degrees such as M. Tech in Mechanical Engineering or even can take up jobs related to Mechanical – engineering field. Is Ime […]
How will you identify Giardia?
How will you identify Giardia? Laboratory Diagnosis Giardiasis is diagnosed by the identification of cysts or trophozoites in the feces, using direct mounts as well as concentration procedures. Cysts are typically seen in wet mount preparations, while trophozoites are seen in permanent mounts (i.e. trichrome). Repeated samplings may be necessary. Can Giardia be detected in […]
How was Eastern Europe formed?
How was Eastern Europe formed? After World War II ended in 1945, Europe was divided into Western Europe and Eastern Europe by the Iron Curtain. Western Europe promoted capitalist democracies, and Eastern Europe came under the Communist influence of the Soviet Union. What kind of government did Eastern Europe and Russia have? That way, Germany […]
What is the break in procedure for new brakes?
What is the break in procedure for new brakes? DISC PAD AND BRAKE SHOE BREAK-IN (BURNISH) PROCEDURE 20 “Slow-Downs” from 50-mph to 20-mph with light to moderate pedal pressure. NO PANIC STOPS. Allow at least 30 seconds between brake applications for the brake pads or shoes to cool down. Where do you sleep on brakes? […]
How can I fix my front hair breakage?
How can I fix my front hair breakage? 8 Ways To Repair Hair Breakage Deep Condition. Intense Hydrating Mask , $26, Amazon. Lower The Temperature On Your Styling Products. Amazon. Use A Heat Protectant. Use A Detangler. Skip The Topknot. Do Treatments Before/After Color. Sleep On Silk/Charmeuse Pillowcases. Comb Your Hair With Conditioner On. Why […]
How do I choose a dog kennel?
Do horses get periods?
Do horses get periods? Mares are seasonal breeders that cycle from about early May through October. A normal cycle consists of roughly seven days of estrus and a 14-day period of diestrus (when she is not in heat). Do horses bleed when in heat? Do Horses Bleed During Their Period? The female horse does not […]