Are khorne berserkers good?

Are khorne berserkers good? Khorne Berzerkers are a strong unit these days, since they are excellent for clearing out the massed infantry formations that are pretty common. Though you can’t expect them to do everything for you, Chaos-aligned armies can benefit a lot from bringing a contingent of them, whether large or small. How many […]

What score is a 5 on the AP exam?

What score is a 5 on the AP exam? AP Exam Scores AP Exam Score Recommendation College Course Grade Equivalent 5 Extremely well qualified A+ or A 4 Very well qualified A-, B+ or B 3 Qualified B-, C+ or C 2 Possibly qualified How is AP 2020 scored? As usual, students’ work will be […]

What does the Red Lantern stand for?

What does the Red Lantern stand for? War of Light The Red Lantern Corps was formed by Atrocitus of the Five Inversions, one of the five survivors of the Massacre of Sector 666. He blamed the Guardians of the Universe for the massacre of his sector, and because of this Atrocitus built up years of […]

Does my Uconnect have navigation?

Does my Uconnect have navigation? The Uconnect 8.4A RA3 radio has a GPS navigation option that is pre-loaded on the system. You can activate your navigation feature anytime after your vehicle purchase, right here. How much is navigation on Uconnect? Uconnect Access For $14.99 a month (or an annual payment of $149.99), you get the […]

Can rats eat canned green beans?

Can rats eat canned green beans? Beans (uncooked). Destroys vitamin A and enzymes that rats need to digest protein and starches. This can cause red blood cells to clump and is a hazard for rats. Can rats eat canned veggies? A well balanced diet is essential for your pet rat to thrive and live a […]

What agreement from Yalta did Stalin break?

What agreement from Yalta did Stalin break? Pacific War At Yalta, Stalin agreed that Soviet forces would join the Allies in the war against Japan within “two or three months” after Germany’s surrender. How did Stalin break the Yalta agreement Why did Stalin refuse to allow free elections in Eastern Europe? At the Potsdam Conference, […]

Can someone come back from brain damage?

Can someone come back from brain damage? This means they will not regain consciousness or be able to breathe without support. A person who’s brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. They have no chance of recovery because their body is unable to survive without artificial life support. Can a person with brain damage hear? […]

How far is Des Moines from Milwaukee?

How far is Des Moines from Milwaukee? 373 miles How far is it from Des Moines Iowa to Wisconsin? Distance from Wisconsin to Des Moines is 464 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 288 miles. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Wisconsin and Des Moines is 464 km= 288 miles. How […]

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