How did John Lennon influence people?

How did John Lennon influence people? John Lennon is an inspiration to others because he devoted his entire life to making the world a better place. Lennon is a hero because he did many things for the music industry, people, and politics. He changed the world of music and he changed how many people look […]

What are the sharks names in Shark Tale?

What are the sharks names in Shark Tale? Voice cast Robert De Niro as Don Lino, a shark and leader of a mob consisting of criminally-inclined great white sharks, who wants his two sons to take over his business and run it together, but becomes enraged when Oscar inadvertently gets in the way following one […]

What size farm is profitable?

What size farm is profitable? Technological advancement has created more opportunities for farmers to develop a profitable business. Small farms (earning less than $50,000 annually or occupying less than 180 acres) are now considered potentially lucrative as both rural and urban business opportunities. What type of farming pays the most? Though soybeans are the most […]

What happened at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta?

What happened at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta? A bomb exploded in Centennial Olympic Park during the Summer Games in Atlanta in 1996. One person was killed, another person died from a heart attack, and 111 others were injured. Eric Robert Rudolph was captured in Murphy, North Carolina, in May 2003 after one of the […]

Are dachshunds good hunting dogs?

Are dachshunds good hunting dogs? 1) Dachshunds Are Hunting Dogs According to Wikipedia, “The standard size Dachshund was developed to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals, while the miniature Dachshund was bred to hunt smaller prey such as rabbits. Do dachshunds still hunt? Yes, Dachshunds are among the Top 10 Dog […]

Did President Bush have a dog?

Did President Bush have a dog? Barney Bush (birth name Bernard Bush; September 30, 2000 – February 1, 2013) was a Scottish Terrier owned by former U.S. President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush. Barney was born in New Jersey and he was often referred to as the “First Dog”. What US […]

What are family expectations for behavior?

What are family expectations for behavior? Every family has its own expectations about things like manners, cleanliness, and acceptable language. As a reasonable, respectful parent, teach your child the “when in Rome” principle—follow the customs of the natives and respect other families’ values and rules. It’s just a question of respect. How do you let […]

How do I dress like Tiger King?

How do I dress like Tiger King? Round up a flashy button-down shirt, a cowboy hat, and a stuffed animal tiger, and you can easily pass as Joe or one of the zookeepers. If you don’t want to dress up as a specific person from the documentary, this tiger makeup with a crown on top […]

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