What time is the Preakness race today and what channel? What time does the Preakness Stakes start? NBC’s live coverage will begin at 5 p.m. Eastern, hosted by Mike Tirico. The race will post at 6:47 p.m., and will stream on the NBC Sports App and NBCSports.com. Early coverage will begin at noon on NBC […]
What is the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court?
What is the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court? The ICC is the first and only permanent international court with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression. Does the ICC have jurisdiction over the crime of aggression? It was decided by a […]
How do I download YouTube videos with Google Chrome?
How do I download YouTube videos with Google Chrome? You can also right-click the video URL in the address bar at the top of Google Chrome and click Copy. Go to https://keepv.id/ in a new tab. This is a website that allows you to download YouTube videos. Right-click the URL and click Open link in […]
Who started the Age of Discovery?
Who started the Age of Discovery? Henry the Navigator Who were the first to launch voyages of discovery? The first great wave of expeditions was launched by Portugal under Prince Henry the Navigator. Sailing out into the open Atlantic the Madeira Islands were discovered in 1419 and in 1427 the Azores were discovered and both […]
How much did secretariat pay in the Kentucky Derby?
How much did secretariat pay in the Kentucky Derby? Secretariat paid $2.20 to win and his 2:24 remains a world record for 1 1/2 miles on a dirt track, and it’s still two full seconds better than subsequent challengers to his Belmont Stakes record. The 2 3/5 seconds by which he broke Gallant Man’s 16-year-old […]
What channels on DISH are HD?
What type of market structure is Mercury Drugstore?
What type of market structure is Mercury Drugstore? “Oligopoly” in the New Century Mercury Drug’s growth was impressive: By 1995, the company operated more than 270 stores. Less than ten years later, Mercury had expanded its number of branches to more than 450, giving it a near monopoly grip on the country’s drug sales. Who […]
What is a constant deviation prism?
What is a constant deviation prism? A prism which has the property that the minimum deviation is always at the same angle. Examples include the Pellin-Broca prism and Abbe prism. What is the alternate name of constant deviation prism? Explanation: Constant deviation prism is also known as optical square. What is constant deviation of light? […]
What do you give a 8th grader for graduation?
What keeps bubbles together?
What keeps bubbles together? A bubble is just air wrapped in soap film. The outside and inside surfaces of a bubble consist of soap molecules. A thin layer of water lies between the two layers of soap molecules, sort of like a water sandwich with soap molecules for bread. They work together to hold air […]