Are blue blubber jellyfish dangerous?

Are blue blubber jellyfish dangerous? The common blue blubber jellyfish grows to 35 centimetres in diameter and is not normally dangerous to humans unlike the infamous bluebottle, also known as Portuguese man o’ war, or the at times deadly Irukandji, which is found further north. Where do blue blubber jellyfish live? The jelly blubber (Catostylus […]

What is social mobility example?

What is social mobility example? If such mobility involves a change in position, especially in occupation, but no change in social class, it is called “horizontal mobility.” An example would be a person who moves from a managerial position in one company to a similar position in another. … What are the three types of […]

What was Gregorian chant originally notated with?

What was Gregorian chant originally notated with? Gregorian Chant was originally notated with: neumes. What is chant notation? Neumes are written on a four-line staff on the lines and spaces, unlike modern music notation, which uses five lines. Chant does not rely on any absolute pitch or key; the clefs are only to establish the […]

How did Nigeria get into debt?

How did Nigeria get into debt? How did Nigeria and other countries fall into the present debt trap? Often loans and resources were obtained for white-elephant projects sashayed straight from creditors into the private bank accounts of political leaders. In some cases the wealth of an African leader equates to his country’s level of indebtedness. […]

How do I fix my iPod light?

How do I fix my iPod light? Settings Click “Settings” from the main menu of your iPod and then click “Backlight Timer.” Click “Always On” to leave the backlight on at all times or “Turn Off After a Period of Time Between 2 and 20 Seconds.” One of these settings must be enabled for the […]

Is Intel HD graphics better than AMD Radeon?

Is Intel HD graphics better than AMD Radeon? Who makes the best integrated graphics solution, AMD or Intel? The answer is simple right now if you check our GPU benchmarks hierarchy: AMD wins, easily, at least on the desktop. Current Ryzen APUs with Vega 11 Graphics are about 2.5 times faster than Intel’s UHD Graphics […]

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