Is this source scholarly enough?

How many times have you found yourself asking this question, after a frantic Google search to find something (anything!) relevant to your essay? by Kate Courage You finally find a result that looks like it might hold the key to answering the question. However, the website it is from isn’t one you recognise, and you […]

Down The Rabbit-Hole: Sitting an Exam

You find yourself increasingly bored as you revise, yet this revision is leading to something. Exams. And when you’re standing outside the exam hall that boredom turns to utter, utter fear. Your stomach swirls. The doors open. You walk in the hall. And you fall down the rabbit-hole…By Thomas Stewart. Wonderland is not what you […]

What does a bad diamond look like?

What does a bad diamond look like? For those diamonds have eye-visible inclusions, meaning you can see them with the bare eye, no loupe needed. And often, these flaws get very large and very noticeable. Like huge black spots, lines, cracks, cloudy areas, it could look like a piece of broken salt! Why are diamonds […]

Where is the Demerara River?

Where is the Demerara River? eastern Guyana What is Demerara called now? Guyana What is demerara or turbinado sugar? Demerara sugar: These large, amber-colored crystals of evaporated cane juice have a crunchy texture and a distinct molasses flavor. Turbinado sugar: Turbinado is also extracted from sugar cane, yielding large crystals that resemble a much paler […]

What are the types of receptionist?

What are the types of receptionist? As for you, here are a couple of different personality types, so you can channel your inner receptionist. The Upbeat Receptionist. The Shy Receptionist. The Perfectionist Receptionist. The Angry Receptionist. The Loud Receptionist. The Abby Receptionist. What is the highest salary for a receptionist? Receptionists made a median salary […]

How many dealerships does Hendrick own?

How many dealerships does Hendrick own? His Hendrick Automotive Group now more owns than 80 dealership franchises across 10 states, making it the sixth largest auto dealership in the country. How many Chevy dealerships does Hendrick own? 102 dealerships Does Jeff Gordon own part of Hendrick Motorsports? A journey that began as Gordon/Evernham Motorsports and […]

What heart conditions can cause a stroke?

What heart conditions can cause a stroke? Other heart conditions, such as heart valve defects, irregular heartbeat (including atrial fibrillation), and enlarged heart chambers, can cause blood clots that may break loose and cause a stroke. What condition causes a stroke? There are two main causes of stroke: a blocked artery (ischemic stroke) or leaking […]

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