What do you call a married teacher? If your teacher is married and does not hold a doctoral degree, the correct form of address is ”Ms.” Do you call a teacher Miss or Ms? However, I teach English, and it’s easier to teach that Miss is always for female first names, Ms. is for unmarried […]
How much is a 70s Challenger worth?
How much is a 70s Challenger worth? The National Automobile Dealers’ Association releases price guides. They estimate a base-model 1970 Challenger with a 318 V8 commands a low-end retail price of $9.295, an average price of $20,900, and a high-end price of $33,330. How much is a 427 LS motor? Chevy LS 427 LS7 Pump […]
What was the biggest grizzly bear ever caught?
What was the biggest grizzly bear ever caught? With a skull measuring 27 and 6/16 inches, this is the biggest grizzly bear ever killed by a hunter in the Boone & Crockett record book. It fell 7/16 of an inch short of the current overall Boone & Crockett record grizzly bear–a skull found in Alaska […]
What self-care really means?
What self-care really means? The term “#self-care” gets thrown around a lot these days. In essence, this is what self-care is: caring for ourselves, ya’ll. It is really anything that we deliberately do (or refrain from doing) with our own well-being in mind. It means giving ourselves the same grace, compassion, and care that we […]
Which is better Oslo or Helsinki?
Which is better Oslo or Helsinki? Helsinki is a really beautiful city. Oslo has nice areas, but it’s mostly a weird mish-mash of some old, some new, and lots of weird 70-80s concrete blocks. If you’re a really outgoing person, you won’t find either city easy, but you might marginally prefer Oslo. How far is […]
Which gas catches fire easily?
Which gas catches fire easily? The substances which have very low ignition temperature and can easily catch fire with a flame are called inflammable substances. Examples of inflammable substances are petrol, alcohol, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) etc. What are the 4 behaviors of fire? Fire behavior includes such things as how fast a fire burns […]
Do butterflies dance?
Do butterflies dance? Many species of butterflies exhibit the spiral dance behavior, but here in the Midwest, the dance is most frequently observed in the white cabbage and yellow alfalfa butterflies. That is because these butterflies are the most common species across our landscapes. What is a butterfly behavior? The three P’s in butterfly behavior […]
What are the 128 questions for citizenship?
What are the 128 questions for citizenship? 128 Civics Questions and Answers (2020 version) What is the form of government of the United States? What is the supreme law of the land? Name one thing the U.S. Constitution does. The U.S. Constitution starts with the words “We the People.” What does “We the People” mean? […]
What natural resource does tape come from?
Who started the fight between India and Pakistan?
Who started the fight between India and Pakistan? Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 The war, also called the First Kashmir War, started in October 1947 when Pakistan feared that the Maharaja of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu would accede to India. Following partition, princely states were left to choose whether to join India or […]