Is a PAIA manual compulsory?

Is a PAIA manual compulsory? The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) says that all public and private bodies in South Africa need to create a manual (unless they are exempt) that contains, amongst other things: What records are available to an interested party without having to request access in terms of PAIA. What […]

What is the best electric guitar for under $1000?

What is the best electric guitar for under $1000? 10 Best High End Electric Guitars under $1000 Fender Classic Series ’50s Stratocaster. Fender American Special Telecaster. Epiphone Les Paul Cherry Sunburst. ESP LTD EC-1000 KOA. Fender Deluxe Nashville Telecaster. Schecter Synyster Gates. Yamaha RevStar RS820CR. Godin 5th Avenue CW Kingpin II. What is the best […]

Why does unconjugated bilirubin increase in hepatic jaundice?

Why does unconjugated bilirubin increase in hepatic jaundice? Prehepatic jaundice is most commonly caused by a pathological increased rate of red blood cell (erythrocyte) hemolysis. The increased breakdown of erythrocytes → increased unconjugated serum bilirubin → increased deposition of unconjugated bilirubin into mucosal tissue. Why does hemolysis cause unconjugated bilirubin? The unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin is […]

What is the future tense of protect?

What is the future tense of protect? I will/shall be protecting. You/We/They will/shall be protecting. He/She/It will/shall have protected. Is protect past present or future? The past tense of protect is protected. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of protect is protects. The present participle of protect is protecting. Is have went grammatically correct? […]

How are rockets useful and important to us?

How are rockets useful and important to us? Rockets, also called launch vehicles, play an important role in our lives. Rockets deliver satellites to space where they can begin to do their important work. What are rockets used for today? Rockets are now used for fireworks, weaponry, ejection seats, launch vehicles for artificial satellites, human […]

What is the word for being in debt?

What is the word for being in debt? Formal) indebtedness, obligation I owe a debt of thanks to her. in debt owing, liable, accountable, in the red (informal), in arrears, overdrawn, beholden, in hock (informal, chiefly U.S.), behind with payments. What does debt mean in slang? What does DEBT stand for? Rank Abbr. Meaning DEBT […]

Can we eat barley daily?

Can we eat barley daily? In a four-week study in 28 healthy individuals, 60 grams of barley a day increased a beneficial type of bacteria in the gut that may help reduce inflammation and improve blood sugar balance ( 19 ). How much barley should you have a day? Typically, a person will eat half […]

How many farm animals are there?

How many farm animals are there? About 70 billion animals are farmed for food worldwide every year, the majority in factory farms. And the numbers keep rising. What types of farm animals are there? Animals that live on a farm are: Cattle. Pigs. Poultry. Horses. Sheep. Goats. Llamas. Donkeys. What is the most common farm […]

What are some choreographic devices in dance?

What are some choreographic devices in dance? Tools of the choreographer used for the creation of dances such as abstraction, canon, motif, contrast, accumulation, repetition, reversal, retrograde, inversion, fragmentation, and embellishment. Why are choreographic devices important in dance? Choreographic devices are the tools we use to manipulate movement in order to enhance, exaggerate and embody […]

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