Can you get drunk by absorbing alcohol through your skin?

Can you get drunk by absorbing alcohol through your skin? Alcohol can be absorbed through the skin. However, it’s highly unlikely that hand sanitiser has a significant affect on your blood-alcohol level. Yes, although the quantities are normally quite small. Can you get drunk Sublingually? Because the mucous membranes under the tongue absorb drugs rapidly, […]

What happens at the end of Mansfield Park?

What happens at the end of Mansfield Park? Fanny is relieved that Mary has lost her hold over Edmund, and she finally gives her own opinion of Mary. Edmund declares that he will never love another woman, and he tells Fanny that her friendship is all he has left. The book concludes quickly. Mansfield Park […]

How can I stop my joints from hurting?

How can I stop my joints from hurting? Home Care Protect the joint with a brace or wrap. Rest the joint, avoiding any activities that cause you pain. Ice the joint for about 15 minutes, several times each day. Compress the joint using an elastic wrap. Elevate the joint above the level of your heart. […]

Why does a crankshaft pulley go bad?

Why does a crankshaft pulley go bad? Another way a pulley can fail is during the fitting process there has been an interruption with the assembly press or the friction bearing has been incorrectly pressed in. This can occur during the making and installation of the part with the vehicle. Can I drive without a […]

What are dinner spoons used for?

What are dinner spoons used for? Larger than a teaspoon, the dinner spoon is also used for eating soups, cereals and desserts. Positioned to the right of the knife, the dinner spoon is not used together with the teaspoon in casual dining, but only in its absence. What is the difference between a dinner spoon […]

Why do bumblebees buzz?

Why do bumblebees buzz? The anthers of some flowers (i.e. the parts carrying the pollen) only release their pollen if they are shaken. Bumble bees achieve this by placing the upper part of their body (thorax), close to the anthers, then vibrating their flight muscles very fast. At the same time, they make a lovely […]

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