How does an electric eel generate electricity?

How does an electric eel generate electricity? The electric eel has three pairs of abdominal organs that produce electricity: the main organ, Hunter’s organ, and Sachs’ organ. By causing a sudden difference in electric potential, it generates an electric current in a manner similar to a battery, in which stacked plates each produce an electric […]

Who pays the condo master policy deductible?

Who pays the condo master policy deductible? An HO-6 insurer will pay a master policy deductible under Coverage A only if the association’s legal documents explicitly make the individual unit owner responsible for it. It won’t pay the deductible just because your client is getting billed for it. What does HOA master insurance cover? An […]

What is an informal and formal trade barrier?

What is an informal and formal trade barrier? formal are government based and informal are religious and cultural based. Explain the difference between formal and informal trade barriers. What are the 2 types of trade barriers? The three major barriers to international trade are natural barriers, such as distance and language; tariff barriers, or taxes […]

Does Lamotrigine affect appetite?

Does Lamotrigine affect appetite? Mood stabilizers, Lamictal, and weight gain In clinical trials, less than 5 percent of those taking Lamictal gained weight. If you take Lamictal and have gained weight, the weight gain may be an effect of the disorder itself. Bipolar disorder can increase your appetite or change your metabolism. Does Lamotrigine speed […]

How many tons does a humpback whale weigh?

How many tons does a humpback whale weigh? 40 tons How heavy is a whale in tons? Blue whales can weigh up to 180 tonnes, although most adults weigh between 72 and 135 tonnes. African elephants are the heaviest land mammals, weighing between 2.5 and seven tonnes. This enormous weight makes the blue whale the […]

Why is US Mint gold more expensive?

Why is US Mint gold more expensive? Gold coins are also sold in commemorative editions directly to the public, but these are more expensive. The Mint marks up the price of the coins to cover the value of the gold and the actual minting, as well as shipping and other costs, White says. Dealers say […]

How much can you earn before losing SSDI?

How much can you earn before losing SSDI? En español | Yes, within strict limits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments will stop if you are engaged in what Social Security calls “substantial gainful activity.” SGA, as it’s known, is defined in 2021 as earning more than $1,310 a month (or $2,190 if you are […]

Do Zoroastrians get cremated?

Do Zoroastrians get cremated? For Zoroastrians, burying or cremating the dead is seen as polluting nature. So for centuries, the Parsis in Mumbai have relied on vultures to do the work — that is, until the entire population of vultures in the city vanished. Without the vultures, the Parsis have had to rely on man-made […]

How many tag team titles have the Hardy Boys won?

How many tag team titles have the Hardy Boys won? Overall, they are 12-time world tag team champions between WWE, TNA, and ROH, having won the WWE/World Tag Team Championship six times, the Raw Tag Team Championship once, the SmackDown Tag Team Championship once, the WCW Tag Team Championship once (in WWE), the TNA World […]

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