What is the sentence for weapons possession? It is an offence to use, supply, acquire or possess a stolen firearm or firearm part, or to give possession of a stolen firearm or firearm part to another person: s 51H(1). The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment. What happens if you defend yourself with an illegal […]
Can you defend yourself with a BB gun?
How can we reuse everyday items?
How can we reuse everyday items? 25 Ways To Reuse Common Household Items Get The Most Out Of Paper Towels. Convert Candle Jars To Drinking Glasses Or Vaes. Use Old Jars From Groceries For Storage. Wear Old Clothes For Cleaning & Housework. Use Worn-Out T-Shirts & Towels For Cleaning. Cut Up Old Printed Papers For […]
What does the Department of Homeland Security do in times of terrorist attacks?
What does the Department of Homeland Security do in times of terrorist attacks? DHS works to enhance the nation’s counter-IED capabilities and reduce the threat of explosive attack against critical infrastructure, the private sector, and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial entities. What does the Department of Homeland Security do after 9 11? Department of […]
How much information can be stored in a megabyte?
How much information can be stored in a megabyte? The next unit up is called a megabyte. 1 megabyte is 1024 kilobytes. After that it’s a gigabyte, which is 1024 megabytes….Units of storage. Unit Description Example Gigabyte 1024 megabytes 1 gigabyte can hold about 300 MP3 songs Terabyte 1024 gigabytes 1 terabyte can hold about […]
How many Grammy Awards do Diana Ross have?
How many Grammy Awards do Diana Ross have? Diana Ross has won a lifetime achievement award, but no Grammys. Believe it or not, the legendary Diana Ross has never won a Grammy. Her first of 12 nominations was in 1964 for “Baby Love,” and she was nominated nearly every year from 1970 to 1982 without […]
Is it OK to keep bottled water in the car?
What are five facts about the European Union?
What are five facts about the European Union? 10 Fun Facts about the European Union Europe. Europe refers to the continent that spreads from Iceland to Istanbul. The European Union is a confederation (or a group) of 28 member countries in Europe, started in 1957. The European Union has its own flag, complete with twelve […]
Who were the winners of the Grand National?
Who were the winners of the Grand National? Grand National Last Years Winners 2021 Winner: Age: Minella Times. Wgt: 10-3. Trainer: H De Bromhead. 2020 Winner. The event was cancelled. 2019 Winner: Tiger Roll. Age: 9. Wgt: 11-5. Trainer: Gordon Elliott. 2018 Winner: Tiger Roll. Age: 8. Wgt: 10-13. Trainer: Gordon Elliott. 2017 Winner: One […]
How do you check the transmission fluid on a Ford Fiesta?
How do you check the transmission fluid on a Ford Fiesta? How to Check Automatic Transmission Fluid Pull out the dipstick. With the gearshift in Neutral or Park and the parking brake on, let your engine run. Check the fluid. Wipe the dipstick with a clean, lint-free rag; then reinsert it and pull it out […]