Do iguanas hatch from eggs?

Do iguanas hatch from eggs? Iguanas lay eggs even when they are not fertile. When 65 days have passed after mating, the female iguana will deposit pale, cream-colored eggs into burrows that she constructs. Within 90 to 120 days, the eggs hatch and young iguanas will emerge. Can reptiles lay unfertilized eggs? RE: Can reptiles […]

What do lesions in the stomach mean?

What do lesions in the stomach mean? Abnormalities, or lesions, of the stomach wall can be cancerous, precancerous, or benign (harmless). Current endoscopic treatment for small lesions is to remove them in pieces using a cutting wire loop (snare polypectomy) for protruding lesions or endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) for ‘flat’ lesions. Can stomach lesions be […]

Are tabby cats high maintenance?

Are tabby cats high maintenance? These diverse-looking Tabbies are vocal and, well, high-maintenance. If you’re looking for a cat that’ll constantly be on your lap and wants to follow your every move, this could be the breed for you. Are tabby cats active? Tabbies are very friendly and intelligent, getting along with many people and […]

What is the theme of poem the hope?

What is the theme of poem the hope? Answer: In the poem, “Hope” is metaphorically transformed into a strong-willed bird that lives within the human soul—and sings its song no matter what. Essentially, the poem seeks to remind readers of the power of hope and how little it requires of people. What is the message […]

What helps the dough to rise?

What helps the dough to rise? Heat. Most leavening agents cause dough to rise gradually at room temperature. In moister dough, warmer ambient temperature speeds up the process. For faster rising, place dough over a pan of warm water in a warm oven; or microwave once or twice on low power for up to 25 […]

What material are computer chips made of?

What material are computer chips made of? Computer chips and processors have three materials that contribute to the bulk of their designs — silicon, plastic and copper. Silicon dioxide comes from either silica sand or from quartz. Where does Intel get silicon from? Specific supplier information is going to be a little difficult to find, […]

How do you send best wishes?

How do you send best wishes? Get-Well Wishes “Hope you get to feeling better soon!” “Looking forward to seeing you back at practice when you’re ready.” “Wishing you well.” “Take extra good care!” “Here’s to you—steadier, stronger and better every day.” “We hope you’re taking it slow and easy right now.” “Take your sweet time […]

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