Where did General Franco come from? Ferrol, Spain Who was Franco in Spain? Francisco Franco was a general and the leader of the Nationalist forces that overthrew the Spanish democratic republic in the Spanish Civil War (1936–39); thereafter he was the head of the government of Spain until 1973 and the head of state until […]
What is the other name of our Parliament?
What is the other name of our Parliament? Parliament of India consists of the President and two Houses—the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha)*. What is another name for the Lok Sabha or lower house of the Indian Parliament? The Lok Sabha, or House of the People, is […]
Is anorexia nervosa a psychiatric disorder?
Is anorexia nervosa a psychiatric disorder? The Academy for Eating Disorders says that anorexia is a mental illness because: Anorexia causes emotional and cognitive problems that hinder the ability to complete everyday tasks. Restricting food intake, a telltale symptom of anorexia, has been shown to change brain structure, neurochemistry and metabolism. What personality type is […]
What do you call someone who works at a group home?
What do you call someone who works at a group home? Team Leaders assist and supervise the day-to-day activities of the Group Home programs of specific sites, including staff selection, training, supervision, and paperwork. What is the role of a residential care worker? Residential Care Provision 1.1 To work with children and young people according […]
What is the world record for bouncing a balloon in the air?
What is the world record for bouncing a balloon in the air? Rush controlled the balloons with his hands, feet, and head for 72 minutes and 12 seconds. It was enough to beat the previous record of 39 minutes and 49 seconds. David Rush has broken another Guinness World Record. What is the longest time […]
Is deception permissible in journalism?
Is deception permissible in journalism? Regarding deception, the NZPC states that “information or news obtained by subterfuge, misrepresentation or dishonest means is not permitted unless there is an overriding public interest and the news or information cannot be obtained by any other means” (New Zealand Media Council, n.d., para 21). Is the public interest a […]
What can a Daisy Red Ryder kill?
How do I know if my car has a JBL audio system?
What is the residue left after combustion of a fossil fuel?
What is the residue left after combustion of a fossil fuel? The amount of solid residues generated by fossil fuel combustion depends on the content of non-combustible substances in the fuel, i.e. ashes, and sulphur. The main coal combustion residues are fly and bottom ash, boiler slag and fluidised bed combustion ash. What is ash […]
Where did horses in North America come from?
Where did horses in North America come from? It is well known that domesticated horses were introduced into North America beginning with the Spanish conquest, and that escaped horses subsequently spread throughout the American Great Plains. Where did wild mustangs originate from? Mustang horses are descendants of escaped, domestic Spanish horses that were brought to […]