What makes an agreement to become a contract?

What makes an agreement to become a contract? An agreement becomes a contract when it is enforceable by law (Section 2(h) of Indian Contract Act). In this section, an agreement is a contract when it is made for some consideration, between competent parties, with their free consent and for a lawful object. Which agreements are […]

Is reading a concrete noun?

Is reading a concrete noun? Depending on whether they name a tangible or an intangible thing, nouns are classed as being either concrete or abstract….Abstract countable nouns. Singular Plural a reading 10 readings an aspiration many aspirations Is beach a concrete noun? A concrete noun is a noun which refers to people and to things […]

Do any pros use Top-Flite?

Do any pros use Top-Flite? Exactly zero, on any pro tour. Top Flite does not pay players to use their ball, and no one would take them up if they did. Top Flites are made for hackers, they do not spin, a characteristic necessary for full control of your ball. Is Top-Flite a good brand? […]

How much does a full time LCBO employee make?

How much does a full time LCBO employee make? Full-time ‘customer service representatives’— employees who work the floor and cash registers — earn as much as $57,459 per year under the current agreement. This is based on years of service rather than merit or qualifications. What are the perks of working at LCBO? We proudly […]

How John Deere change the world?

How John Deere change the world? The steel plow that John Deere invented benefited farmers because it allowed them to cut furrows in thick sticky Midwest soil. John Deere was an inventor, and a blacksmith. In 1837 he was working with steel and decided he was going to make a steel plow for farmers. What […]

Why are moguls called moguls?

Why are moguls called moguls? Moguls are a series of bumps on a piste formed when skiers push snow into mounds as they do sharp turns. The term “mogul” is from the Bavarian/Austrian German word Mugel, meaning “mound, hillock”. Who is a mogul person? A mogul is defined as a person who possesses a great […]

Does deadly nightshade grow in Texas?

Does deadly nightshade grow in Texas? Within Texas, it is more abundant in the eastern half. These plants often grow in thickets, openings in woods and in disturbed soil and spread into cultivated fields. What is the difference between deadly nightshade and black nightshade? Black nightshade has tiny white flowers. Deadly nightshade fruit is borne […]

Does Pepsi Max make you gain weight?

Does Pepsi Max make you gain weight? Regular sodas are full of calories, 140 per can and up. Diet sodas have zero calories. So it seems logical that replacing one with the other should help you lose weight, or at least stay the same weight. But no–several studies have proved conclusively that drinking diet soda […]

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