What is the Dookie mod?

What is the Dookie mod? From what I’m reading Dookie was a modded Marshall 1959 Super Lead, which is a non master volume amp when stock, which would need a pre phase master volume and the pre-amp gain stages cascaded to make it sound very similar to a JCM800/JMP 2203, this is a very common […]

What kind of Freon does a Jeep Wrangler take?

What kind of Freon does a Jeep Wrangler take? The 2005 Jeep Wrangler has a freon capacity of 20 ounces. It is recommended to use r-134a refrigerant. What refrigerant is replacing R134a? R-1234yf Can you mix synthetic 134a with regular 134a? A: No can do. The system will have to be evacuated properly, to remove […]

Which political party opposed the French Revolution?

Which political party opposed the French Revolution? Although the Federalists soon branded Jefferson’s followers “Democratic-Republicans,” attempting to link them with the excesses of the French Revolution, the Republicans officially adopted the derisive label in 1798. Which leaders and groups disagreed about the French Revolution? Which leaders and groups disagreed about the French Revolution? George Washington […]

What did Immanuel Kant think about the government?

What did Immanuel Kant think about the government? Government, whose primary purpose is to secure individual rights by enacting and enforcing objective laws, must be “unopposable.” This means that a government may rightfully suppress “all internal resistance” (including seditious speech) “for such resistance would have to derive from a maxim that, if made universal. What […]

What is external admission?

What is external admission? An external degree is a degree offered by a university to students who have not been required to be physically present within the geographic territory of the institution. How can I get admission in Unipune? Pune University conducts an entrance cum performance test to provide admission in the BA programme. For […]

What are the elements in ordinary fertilizer?

What are the elements in ordinary fertilizer? What Are the Elements Found in Fertilizers? Nitrogen. Of the three primary nutrients, nitrogen is the one that plants need in the greatest quantities. Phosphorus. Potassium. Secondary Nutrients. Micronutrients. What are the 3 ingredients in fertilizer? The three main components all fertilizer mixture have, though, are nitrogen, phosphorus, […]

What is the size of L1 cache?

What is the size of L1 cache? L1 is usually part of the CPU chip itself and is both the smallest and the fastest to access. Its size is often restricted to between 8 KB and 64 KB. L2 and L3 caches are bigger than L1. What is L1 cache and L2 cache? L1 is […]

Is fire a compliment?

Is fire a compliment? It is commonly used to praise someone or something, signifying that a person, object, album, movie, or so on, is “lit,” a slang term to describe something that is exceptionally cool or great. As lit is also slang for “intoxicated,” the fire emoji doubles as a way to say someone is […]

Is a fashion designer a STEM career?

Is a fashion designer a STEM career? If you love STEM and have a flair for fashion, check out everything you need to know to become a fashion designer! The truth is that it’s actually an ever-changing, fast-paced career that requires strong STEM skills and creativity. Is fashion a stem? Fashion FUNdamentals is a science, […]

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