Can birdshot kill a human?

Can birdshot kill a human? Birdshot will cause a painful and messy looking wound, but it simply won’t reach the vital organs. With birdshot, the attacker may well be fatally wounded, but in the many minutes or hours it takes before the attacker succumbs to their wounds, they still can kill you or a loved […]

How did Duke University get its mascot?

How did Duke University get its mascot? The name comes from the French “les Diables Bleus” or “the Blue Devils,” which was the nickname given during World War I to the Chasseurs Alpins, the French Alpine light infantry battalion. Duke joined the Southern Conference in 1929, and left in 1953 to become a founder of […]

When can HOA foreclose a property?

When can HOA foreclose a property? Answer. Probably yes. Any creditor with a lien on your home has the legal right to foreclose. So, if the HOA has a lien on your property, it may decide to initiate a foreclosure—even if you’re current on your mortgage payments. Can HOA put a lien on my house […]

How did schools recover after Hurricane Katrina?

How did schools recover after Hurricane Katrina? Some elementary schools assigned students to specially-designed make-up programs for as much as half of each school day to accelerate recovery of reading and math levels. High schools found that students were bored in purely remedial courses and did not make progress as rapidly as did elementary level […]

What is the cycle of water on Earth?

What is the cycle of water on Earth? The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water as it makes a circuit from the oceans to the atmosphere to the Earth and on again. Most of Earth’s water is in the oceans. The sun, which drives the water cycle, […]

What do you mean by market anomalies?

What do you mean by market anomalies? Market anomalies are distortions in returns that contradict the efficient market hypothesis (EMH). Pricing anomalies are when something, for example a stock, is priced differently than how a model predicts it will be priced. Common market anomalies include the small cap effect and the January effect. What are […]

What is national news agency?

What is national news agency? National news agencies News writing and reporting Page 13 Conclusion News agency, also called press agency, press association, wire service, or news service, organization that gathers, writes, and distributes news from around a nation or the world to newspapers, periodicals, radio and television broadcasters. What is the largest news organization? […]

Does vinegar remove dye from hair?

Does vinegar remove dye from hair? Plain white vinegar, when used as a mixture of equal parts vinegar and warm water, will help to remove hair dye. Pour this mixture over all of the dyed hair, saturating it completely. Pop a shower cap over it and leave for 15 to 20 minutes, then shampoo it […]

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