Do Subliminals change your DNA?

Do Subliminals change your DNA? Well no, not your DNA. And even then, it’s not really the DNA that changes, but rather biological and biochemical processes take place in the multitudes and multitudes, and from these processes, there’s a chance that a gene here or there will react and switch “on” or “off”. Is it […]

What are the types of ability?

What are the types of ability? Types of physical ability are dynamic strength, static strength, trunk strength, explosive strength, extent flexibility, dynamic flexibility, body coordination, balance, and stamina. Every individual requires the ability to achieve a goal. What are good abilities? The top ten skills graduate recruiters want Commercial awareness (or business acumen) This is […]

Was the Ottoman Empire wealthy?

Was the Ottoman Empire wealthy? Ottoman Empire: $26.4 billion (£21bn) The sultan presided over a golden age of military conquest, unprecedented prosperity and great artistic achievement, but it was all downhill from there and the empire was overtaken economically by Europe’s major powers in the 1700s. Was the Ottoman Empire a superpower? Yes, the Ottoman […]

Is Radian a fundamental unit?

Is Radian a fundamental unit? The Radian – It is the unit of a plane angle. One radian is the angle subtended by the center of a circle by an arc and is equal in length to the radius of a circle….There are Seven Fundamental Quantities. S.No. Base Quantity SI Basic Unit 8. Plane angle […]

What should a critique include?

What should a critique include? Writing a Critique describe: give the reader a sense of the writer’s overall purpose and intent. analyze: examine how the structure and language of the text convey its meaning. interpret: state the significance or importance of each part of the text. assess: make a judgment of the work’s worth or […]

Is a dean higher than an archdeacon?

Is a dean higher than an archdeacon? After bishops, archdeacons are the most senior clergy in dioceses, except in the Church of England and the Anglican Church of Canada and Southern Africa where the dean of the cathedral church is the senior priest in the diocese. A Scottish dean’s role is similar to that of […]

Is William James a functionalist?

Is William James a functionalist? William James is considered to be the founder of functional psychology But he would not consider himself as a functionalist, nor did he truly like the way science divided itself into schools Who defined psychology as the science of mental life? In 1890, William James defined psychology as “the science […]

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