What is an example of implicit attitudes?

What is an example of implicit attitudes? Implicit attitudes are thought to reflect an accumulation of life experience. For example, a person might regularly be exposed to negative ideas about old people and aging. Consciously, this person might disagree with the negative ideas and maintain a positive explicit attitude toward the elderly and aging. Do […]

What is the definition of Maxim?

What is the definition of Maxim? 1 : a general truth, fundamental principle, or rule of conduct Mother’s favorite maxim was “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” 2 : a proverbial saying advised her daughter with the maxim “marry in haste, repent at leisure” How would you describe a new life? Here are some […]

Is Romania richer than Hungary?

Is Romania richer than Hungary? Bucharest is now richer than Budapest, Banat and Transylvania are more developed than most of Hungary, EU data show. Some regions in Romania register a fast development and are now richer than most neighboring countries. Is Romania a safe country? I have lived and traveled in Romania for a combined […]

Is Boop a Scrabble word?

Is Boop a Scrabble word? No, boop is not in the scrabble dictionary. Is Zoot a Scrabble word? Yes, zoot is a valid Scrabble word. Is Za a Scrabble word? According to Hasbro’s official Scrabble dictionary, the definition of “za” is that it is a term for pizza. You can also use the plural, “zas.” […]

Can I learn AI on my own?

Can I learn AI on my own? What are the skills are required to learn machine learning and AI? With the above questions answered, we now can understand that in order to build a career in the field of Data Science i.e. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on your own. Is Microsoft AI school free? […]

Who used the guillotine a lot?

Who used the guillotine a lot? The guillotine is most famously associated with revolutionary France, but it may have claimed just as many lives in Germany during the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler made the guillotine a state method of execution in the 1930s, and ordered that 20 of the machines be placed in cities across […]

Who does Meursault kill in the stranger?

Who does Meursault kill in the stranger? In The Stranger, Meursault kills the Arab for no apparent reason, which supports the novel’s overall message that life has no order or meaning. The only reason that Meursault can give for why he murdered the man is that the sun was shining in his eyes and making […]

Who made the Trolley Problem?

Who made the Trolley Problem? Philippa Foot How would a Deontologist respond to the trolley problem? Deontology The ends never justify the means. In the case of the trolley problem, this would mean that the conductor must choose one metric for fairness that they never break. This could mean they choose to always save the […]

Who died from Married With Children?

Who died from Married With Children? Beckie Mullen dead: Married with Children star and ex pro-wrestler dies of cancer at 55. Why was married with children Cancelled? The decision to cancel the series was based on those declining ratings relative to increased production costs. Sources say Ed O’Neill–who plays the show’s surly father figure, Al […]

How do you get rid of bad vices?

How do you get rid of bad vices? With the idea of the 3 Rs in mind, here are 15 tips to help you break that old, stubborn habit. Identify your triggers. Focus on why you want to change. Enlist a friend’s support. Practice mindfulness. Replace the habit with a different one. Leave yourself reminders. […]

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