What is essentialism in nursing?

What is essentialism in nursing? Essentialism is training our brain to focus on what is really essential in our work. It means saying no to projects, meetings, commitments and activities that don’t advance the quality of our work. What is essentialism in culture? Essentialism is the idea that people and things have ‘natural’ characteristics that […]

What are the advantage of division of Labour?

What are the advantage of division of Labour? Advantages from specialisation (division) of labour: Higher productivity and efficiency – e.g. rising output per person hour. Lower unit costs leading to higher profits. Encourages investment in specific capital – economies of scale. What are three ways to increase productivity? 15 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work. […]

What happens after deferred sentence?

What happens after deferred sentence? The Positive Consequences of Deferred Sentencing Not a Felon — If the judge chooses to defer sentencing then the defendant is not a convict and therefore not a felon. No Jail — Well, mostly no jail. Case Dismissal — If the defendant successfully completes their full probation then the case […]

Why is mysticism important?

Why is mysticism important? Its significance is that it gives emotional value to any world-view hatsoever and makes the individual unshakably certain of his worth and security in the system. Examples from monistic, theistic, and non-theistic mystics. Each new world-view must develop its own mystics for mysticism tends to be a conservative force. Is mysticism […]

Is Derrida a postmodernist?

Is Derrida a postmodernist? Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), a French philosopher, was well known for his controversial approach to understanding the world, the deconstruction method, and was a major contributor to postmodernism. The deconstruction method is a process of criticizing literary texts, philosophical texts, and political theories. Is Derrida a nihilist? Derrida. Jacques Derrida, whose deconstruction […]

Is there anything bigger than infinity?

Is there anything bigger than infinity? Different infinite sets can have different cardinalities, and some are larger than others Beyond the infinity known as ℵ0 (the cardinality of the natural numbers) there is ℵ1 (which is larger) … ℵ2 (which is larger still) … and, in fact, an infinite variety of different infinities What is […]

What does act as if mean in AA?

What does act as if mean in AA? you want to be healthy What is the 6th step prayer? Sixth Step Prayer Dear God, I am ready for Your help in removing from me the defects of character which I now realize are obstacles to my recovery. Help me to continue being honest with myself […]

How do you explain a meme?

How do you explain a meme? A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person. Examples of memes include beliefs, fashions, stories, and phrases. In previous generations, memes typically spread within local cultures or social groups. What does meme mean in French? Updated January 06, 2019. The French word même is […]

What is a mystic poet?

What is a mystic poet? A mystic poet is one who finds beauty and meaning in practicing mysticism and shares that beauty in ecstatic or contemplative language or poetry. The five poets whose pictures I included in the earlier post “Mystics and Membrane” are Rumi, William Blake, Emily Dickinson, Rainer Maria Rilke, and Theodore Roethke. […]

Was Henri Bergson an atheist?

Was Henri Bergson an atheist? Although born of Jewish parents, Bergson grew up without religion and began his philosophical career as an enthusiastic follower of Herbert spencer. What is pure memory? Pure memory or remembrance permits the acknowledgment that the lesson has been learned in the past, cannot be repeated, and is not internal to […]

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