Is war just or unjust?

Is war just or unjust? War is not legitimate or illegitimate simply based on its original motivation: it must comply with a series of additional requirements: It is necessary that the response be commensurate with the evil; use of more violence than is strictly necessary would constitute an unjust war. Can an unjust war be […]

Is anything bigger than the universe?

Is anything bigger than the universe? Cosmos At Least 250x Bigger Than Visible Universe, Say Cosmologists. The universe is much bigger than it looks, according to a study of the latest observations. How many Earths does it take to sustain your lifestyle? According to the Global Footprint Network, which estimates Earth Overshoot Day each year, […]

Why does Hohenheim look like father?

Why does Hohenheim look like father? Hohenheim has referred to this form as nothing more than a human-like husk that Father uses to hide his true appearance. Father’s body is created by and contains the Philosopher’s Stone that came from half of the souls of the human population of Xerxes (however, he later gave parts […]

Is Manchester University hard to get into?

Is Manchester University hard to get into? Oxford and Cambridge are notoriously hard to get into, and the lower down you go in the uni league tables, the easier it gets – or so you might think….Full list of UK university offer rates. Rank University Offer rate 40 Manchester Metropolitan University 69.6% 41 University of […]

What is an example of an aesthetic?

What is an example of an aesthetic? Aesthetic means the pleasant, positive or artful appearance of a person or a thing. An example of the word is aesthetic is to say that a particular car is beautiful. Concerned with beauty, artistic impact, or appearance. It works well enough, but the shabby exterior offends his aesthetic […]

Why is my face not photogenic?

Why is my face not photogenic? Meanwhile this is not the only reason you are “not photogenic”. You aren’t naturally comfortable in front of the camera. Some people on a moment’s notice can just light up when someone is going to snap a photo. They take more pictures, they practice more, they are prepared. What […]

What does hermetic mean in Greek?

What does hermetic mean in Greek? hermetic(Adjective) Airtight or gas-tight; impervious to air or gases. Etymology: From the Greek god and mythological alchemist Hermes Trismegistus, who was said to possess a magic ability to seal (with spells) treasure chests so that nothing could access their contents. How do you use devoid? Devoid sentence example When […]

What is a reason for doing something?

What is a reason for doing something? A reason explains why you do something. The reason you go to school is to learn things (and because it’s the law). Reason usually has to do with thought and logic, as opposed to emotion. If people think you have a good reason for doing something, it means […]

Is Lamaze still used?

Is Lamaze still used? The Lamaze method is still taught today. It’s easy to learn, and, in certain situations, it might be one of few comfort strategies available. Are childbirth classes really necessary? No, you don’t. You don’t need to take a childbirth class, just like you don’t need to hire a doula, and you […]

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