Did Ron use an Unforgivable Curse? Ron didn’t use Imperius Curse. That was Harry. And no, he wasn’t reprimanded because it was war/pre-war time. And it was necessary as hell. Does Ron die in the cursed child? 4 HE SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE SCORPIUS MALFOY Ron spent the majority of his life hating the Malfoy […]
How is Emile Durkheim relevant today?
How is Emile Durkheim relevant today? For this reason, he is considered the creator of the functionalist perspective within sociology. In essence, Durkheim’s work was all about culture, and as such, it remains deeply relevant and important to how sociologists study culture today. What purpose do rituals and traditions serve in a society? Tradition contributes […]
How old are you Jannah?
How old are you Jannah? The Islamic texts describes life for its immortal inhabitants as: one that is happy—without hurt, sorrow, fear or shame—where every wish is fulfilled. Traditions relate that inhabitants will be of the same age (33 years), and of the same standing. Who is the God to Muslims? Allah is usually thought […]
What ended Rizal exile in Dapitan?
What is midlife crisis according to Levinson?
What is midlife crisis according to Levinson? According to Levinson the midlife transition (40-45) was a time of reevaluating previous commitments; making dramatic changes if necessary; giving expression to previously ignored talents or aspirations; and feeling more of a sense of urgency about life and its meaning. When referring to the sandwich generation What are […]
Who made ragu?
Who made ragu? Assunta Cantisano What does Ragu mean in Italian? In Italian cuisine, ragù (pronounced [raˈɡu]) is a meat-based sauce that is commonly served with pasta. An Italian gastronomic society, Accademia Italiana della Cucina, documented several ragù recipes. The recipes’ common characteristics are the presence of meat and the fact that all are sauces […]
Are we born with common sense?
Are we born with common sense? All people are born with common sense…. The amount of common sense people have is highly overestimated. Because most people do have some common sense, but it’s often related to what they do. But in every case, it’s purely taught, no one is born with common sense, that’s just […]
What is a true hero?
What is a true hero? A true hero is someone who does something heroic for the benefit of others. For the benefit of someone other than themselves. Which doesn’t mean that a hero can’t benefit from his or her own heroism. But their deed or act or performance or accomplishment is not primarily for their […]
What is the antonym of sufficient?
What is the antonym of sufficient? Words popularity by usage frequency ranking word #/td> useless #/td> insufficient #/td> inferior #/td> deficient What are two synonyms for sufficient? sufficient acceptable ample plentiful satisfactory tolerable agreeable all right appreciate What is another word for good? SYNONYMS FOR good 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright 2 […]