What rule of law means?

What rule of law means? Rule of law, the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power. What branch makes laws? Legislative Which branch is the least powerful? The judicial branch Which […]

What is the most powerful element?

What is the most powerful element? Fire What is the most useful element? carbon What is the strangest element? The most weird and wonderful elements in the periodic table Krypton (Atomic number: 36) Curium (Atomic number: 96) Antimony (Atomic number: 51) Copernicium (Atomic number: 112) Bismuth (Atomic number: 83) What is the most dangerous element? […]

What is a 3 sentence summary?

What is a 3 sentence summary? WHAT IS A 3-SENTENCE SUMMARY? The MyHealth 3-Sentence Summary provides some tips on how to describe your health and current needs in about three sentences. This skill is really important when you meet your new adult health care providers or when you don’t get to spend too much time […]

What products are obsolete?

What products are obsolete? List of obsolete technology Obsolete technology Replacement Laserdisk Compact disks, DVDs, and Blu-ray Overhead projector and slide projector Video projector Phonograph and phonograph record Audio cassette, 8 track tape, compact disc, MP3 Telegraph Telephone, teletype, email, Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Is Vintage a negative word? When you look up […]

How does social capital affect education?

How does social capital affect education? Social capital supports success and education in the form of the disciplinary and academic climate at school, and also the cultural norms and values that motivate students to achieve higher goals. Putnam (2000) states that child and youth development is strongly shaped by social capital in school. What influences […]

Is Bernard an Irish name?

Is Bernard an Irish name? Bernard [Bearnard] (m) Germanic, ‘bear stern’. Bernard is used in Ireland to anglicise Brian and Beircheart (the latter is itself originally Anglo-Saxon). Are Brian and Bernard the same name? As there was no standard for old Gaelic names ‘Bryan’ alternates between “Barnabus” and “Bernardus” depending on the priest. In Penal […]

Do periods always go inside quotes?

Do periods always go inside quotes? In the United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons (dashes as well) go outside: “There was a storm last night,” Paul said. What do scare quotes mean? Scare quotes are quotation marks placed around a […]

Are there psychiatrists in Japan?

Are there psychiatrists in Japan? Japan has a population of about 128 million, for whom there are around 13 000 psychiatrists, 13 000 clinical psychologists, 3600 psychiatric occupational therapists and 22 000 psychiatric social workers. What are the causes of hikikomori? Kinugasa 8 indicated that most hikikomori youth have schizoid personality disor- condition in which […]

Is Nathan a Bible name?

Is Nathan a Bible name? Religious parents will appreciate that Nathan is a Biblical name, appearing as a prophet in the holy book and as a son of David. His meaning also refers to God, implying that God is the giver. How did God choose David? In 1 Samuel 16, the prophet Samuel was sent […]

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