Why did the lift man lose his temper?

Why did the lift man lose his temper? The lift-man loses control because he feels slighted in some way. That he may be deemed by the man entering the lift as being inferior to him. While the conductor on the other hand does not lose control of his emotions. Rather he continues to be polite, […]

What disorder does Tiffany Maxwell have?

What disorder does Tiffany Maxwell have? ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ “Silver Linings Playbook” follows Pat Solitano (Bradley Cooper), a man with bipolar disorder who was recently hospitalized and Tiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence), a woman who many believe exhibits symptoms of BPD — though she is not given a specific diagnosis in the movie. Is Donnie Darko […]

Are there mutated fish in Chernobyl?

Are there mutated fish in Chernobyl? Yes, there are giant catfish in Chernobyl’s cooling pond – but they’re not radiation mutants. When a new video of catfish patrolling the cooling pond of the Chernobyl power plant surfaced online earlier this month, it didn’t take long for the usual cries of “monster fish!” to follow. Did […]

What does liberal use mean?

What does liberal use mean? Liberal means giving, using, or taking a lot of something, or existing in large quantities. As always he is liberal with his jokes. Synonyms: abundant, generous, handsome, lavish More Synonyms of liberal. liberally adverb [ADV with v] Chemical products were used liberally over agricultural land. What is the meaning of […]

Why did Reinhold Niebuhr write the Serenity Prayer?

Why did Reinhold Niebuhr write the Serenity Prayer? Written during the darkest depths of the war by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, a first-generation German-American, the prayer captured the dreadful ethical predicament faced by Niehbur and his fellow German anti-Nazi émigrés in the United States, who were safe from persecution but powerless to intervene against … […]

What does protoje mean?

What does protoje mean? A protégé is a person who receives special protection and promotion from someone more established in a field. If your boss introduces you as his newest protégé, you’re off to a good start in your career. Essentially, a protégé is a teacher’s pet, someone who is given special status or favors. […]

How do you get a big audience on Facebook?

How do you get a big audience on Facebook? If you have specialized content that’s more likely to be of interest to a specific type of Facebook user, use Facebook’s Audience Optimization tool to choose a more friendly audience for that content. To access this tool from your page post composer, click the targeting icon. […]

What does technical accuracy mean in English?

What does technical accuracy mean in English? Technical accuracy depends on the writer’s conceptual mastery of the subject and its vocabulary, as well as on his or her ability to analyze and shape data with a minimum of distortion. In science and technology, enormous creative energy is given to mastering this technical aspect of subject […]

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