What is the associative memory? Associative memory refers to the ability to remember relationships between two or more items or between an item and its context (e.g., when or where something was seen). What is associative access method? associative addressing A method of addressing a location by virtue of its data content rather than by […]
How do you see yourself 5 years from now?
What is nonsense and nonsense?
What is nonsense and nonsense? noun. words or language having little or no sense or meaning. conduct, action, etc., that is senseless, foolish, or absurd: to have tolerated enough nonsense. something absurd or fatuous: the utter nonsense of such a suggestion. anything of trifling importance or of little or no use. What is a nonsense […]
Who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? Bible Gateway 1 John 5 :: NIV. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well. Which churches do not believe in the Trinity? The largest nontrinitarian Christian denominations are The Church […]
Does thrawn know Vader is Anakin?
Does thrawn know Vader is Anakin? A strategic genius if not a political one, Thrawn swiftly deduced Darth Vader was in fact Anakin Skywalker. He too had the wisdom to keep quiet about the knowledge, although he did indicate his suspicions to Vader in Thrawn: Alliances. Could Vader beat Obi-Wan? No at that point there […]
Que es el estructuralismo y ejemplos?
¿Qué es el estructuralismo y ejemplos? El estructuralismo describe y analiza una variedad de objetos de estudio, como la cultura, la economía, el lenguaje, la literatura, la política, entre otros. Para Saussure, los elementos del lenguaje eran comprensibles solo en relación entre sí y con el sistema que los contenía. ¿Cuál es el metodo que […]
What are the three functions of law?
What are the three functions of law? In order to do its job, any such system must perform three closely connected, but nevertheless distinct, functions: adjudication, legislation, and execution. The judicial function is the core of any legal system. Is there a lawyer who never lost a case? Gerald Leonard Spence (born January 8, 1929) […]
Why do artists use the golden ratio?
Why do artists use the golden ratio? Applying The Golden Ratio In Art The golden ratio has been used by artists to locate aethetically pleasing areas to place our subjects and distribute weight in our paintings. Another option is to segment your painting into nine unequal sections using the golden ratio. How do you use […]
Why do Millennials say literally?
Why do Millennials say literally? Literally has become an increasingly popular word with millennials in recent years. Saying literally means “this actually happened” so adding this word to your speech should only occur when you are relaying the events of something that actually occurred. What can I say instead of literally? literally actually. completely. directly. […]
What are transnational and international communication?
What are transnational and international communication? International communication (also referred to as the study of global communication or transnational communication) is the communication practice that occurs across international borders. International communication “encompasses political, economic, social, cultural and military concerns”. What is the role of communication to globalization? Business communication is also an important component of […]