Why was Pericles a great leader?

Why was Pericles a great leader? Pericles is credited for making Athens the cultural, religious, political and economic centre of Greece. He paved the way for the larger empire of Greece and his doctrines pertaining to majority elected governance system are among the earliest seeds of democracy as we know it. What is the reason […]

Who destroyed the Roman Forum?

Who destroyed the Roman Forum? Although the building was largely destroyed by the earthquake of 847 CE, several 25-metre high vaults are still intact and loom over the other ruins of the Forum. Which Roman social group was the wealthiest and were considered the nobles? Patrician. Patricians were considered the upper-class in early Roman society. […]

What does Fasho mean on Snapchat?

What does Fasho mean on Snapchat? For Sure What does percussion mean? 1 : the act of percussing: such as. a : the striking of a percussion cap so as to set off the charge in a firearm. b : the beating or striking of a musical instrument. c : the act or technique of […]

What is my ethnicity if I am Mexican?

What is my ethnicity if I am Mexican? Ethnicity Categories Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, “Spanish origin”, can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino”. Where is the whitest place in England? Cities across […]

What phenomenology means?

What phenomenology means? Phenomenology is the study of human experience and of the ways things present themselves to us in and through such experience (Sokolowski 2000 , 2). Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as. experienced from the first-person point of view. ( Why is Typification important? In biological nomenclature, the Principle of […]

Why did smerdyakov kill Fyodor?

Why did smerdyakov kill Fyodor? Smerdyakov’s motivations for killing Fyodor Pavlovich are vague. Smerdyakov believes Ivan wanted him to kill Fyodor Pavlovich. He may also kill for the money, or out of his own hatred of Fyodor Pavlovich. Finally, Smerdyakov may simply feel a desire to do evil. Is Ivan An atheist Bachelor? I’m open […]

How do you ensure successful fertilization?

How do you ensure successful fertilization? Are Your Trying to Conceive? 10 Tips For Successful Conception Attend a Pre-Conception Check-Up. Get a Sexual Health Check. Start Healthy Habits. You Should Quit Smoking. Reduce Your Intake of Alcohol. Stop Taking Contraception. Increase Your Chances with Supplements. Have Regular Sex. How many sperm are needed to fertilize […]

How can collective intelligence be improved?

How can collective intelligence be improved? Hire Positive, Collaborative Team Members. MIT’s research found that bringing people into a team who are negative or domineering can significantly reduce a team’s collective intelligence and drag the team down. What is collective intelligence quizlet? Collective Intelligence. knowledge collected from many people towards a common goal. What are […]

What is the adjective of spectacle?

What is the adjective of spectacle? adjective. of or like a spectacle; marked by or given to an impressive, large-scale display. dramatically daring or thrilling: a spectacular dive from a cliff. What is a antonym for spectacle? spectacle. Antonyms: nondemonstration, noncelebration. Synonyms: sight, exhibition, display, parade, demonstration, picture, scene, representation, gazingstock, show, pageant, flourish. What […]

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