Are humans rational animals?

Are humans rational animals? According to a philosophical commonplace, Aristotle defined human beings as rational animals. Of course, Aristotle repeatedly stresses that he regards rationality as the crucial differentiating characteristic of human beings, but he nowhere defines the essence of what it is to be human in these terms. Are humans rational actors? If you […]

What is the method of phenomenological reduction?

What is the method of phenomenological reduction? Phenomenology uses the reduction to entirely set aside existential questions and shift from existential affirmation or negation to description. It is a method involving a bracketing or parenthesizing (in German: “Einklammerung”) of something that had formerly been taken for granted in the natural attitude. What is the two […]

What is quasi delict in law?

What is quasi delict in law? The term ‘quasi-delict’ is used in civil law to refer to a negligent act or omission which results in harm or damage to an individual or to the property of another. The person causing the harm or damage may do so without any malice, but may nonetheless be found […]

What are the paradigms of learning?

What are the paradigms of learning? Currently, the most commonly accepted learning paradigms are behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, connectivism, and humanism.1). Here we will refer to the named learning paradigms and their related learning and instructional design theories. Do schools kill creativity thesis? The answer is yes. Sir Ken Robinson, a creativity expert, in his Ted […]

Why do we use function?

Why do we use function? The first reason is reusability. Once a function is defined, it can be used over and over and over again. You can invoke the same function many times in your program, which saves you work. Another aspect of reusability is that a single function can be used in several different […]

How do we use reductionism and holism?

How do we use reductionism and holism? Reductionism and holism are two different approaches in psychology that researchers use to create experiments and draw conclusions. Reductionism likes to divide explanations of behaviour into separate components, whilst holism likes to look at the picture as a whole. What is reductionism in medicine? The basic premise of […]

How long can you use Ergobaby?

How long can you use Ergobaby? The Ergobaby Easy Snug infant insert was designed for use with Ergobaby carriers (at the exception of the Omni 360 and Adapt carriers which does not require an infant insert) for babies from newborn up to age ~4 months (from 7-12 lbs / 3,2 – 5,5 kg), or for […]

Was the Renaissance religious or secular?

Was the Renaissance religious or secular? The new ideals of Humanism, although more secular in some aspects, developed against a Christian backdrop, especially in the Northern Renaissance. In turn, the Renaissance had a profound effect on contemporary theology, particularly in the way people perceived the relationship between man and God. When did art become secular? […]

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