What did Adam Smith say about the invisible hand? Invisible hand, metaphor, introduced by the 18th-century Scottish philosopher and economist Adam Smith, that characterizes the mechanisms through which beneficial social and economic outcomes may arise from the accumulated self-interested actions of individuals, none of whom intends to bring about such outcomes. What can hinder the […]
What were two effects of the French Revolution in France?
What were two effects of the French Revolution in France? The revolution destroyed the class system and brought the equality among the citizen of France The french revolution gave birth to the idea of liberty, equality and fraternity these spread to others european countries later on What are 3 effects of the French Revolution? 10 […]
What is a successive number?
What is a successive number? Successive numbers are numbers that are listed in order from any sequence. Consecutive number and successive number are same term. Example. – 3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3. The number occuring one after another is called consecutive number or successive number. What is the difference between two successive natural numbers? Natural numbers are counting numbers […]
What is the danger to having too many hidden units in your network?
What is the danger to having too many hidden units in your network? If you have too few hidden units, you will get high training error and high generalization error due to underfitting and high statistical bias. If you have too many hidden units, you may get low training error but still have high generalization […]
What is basic necessity of life?
What is basic necessity of life? A traditional list of immediate “basic needs” is food (including water), shelter and clothing. Many modern lists emphasize the minimum level of consumption of “basic needs” of not just food, water, clothing and shelter, but also sanitation, education, and healthcare. Different agencies use different lists. What are human physical […]
What does the word captivity mean in the Bible?
What does the word captivity mean in the Bible? the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined. (initial capital letter) Babylonian captivity. What’s a word for feeling trapped? What is another word for trapped? ensnared stuck caught confined cornered cut off entombed hemmed in imprisoned locked in What is the difference between […]
What is the probability of spinning a 1?
What was life like in Renaissance Italy?
What was life like in Renaissance Italy? The people of Renaissance Florence were organized into five social classes. No social class except (workers/tradesman and peasants) had their own method of becoming wealthy such as working in big industries e.g boat-making or producing wool. What was Italy’s most important advantage? Italy had three advantages that made […]
Does zero two really love Hiro?
How do you respond to an argument?
How do you respond to an argument? There are three main ways to respond to an argument: 1) challenge the facts the other person is using; 2) challenge the conclusions they draw from those facts; and 3) accept the point, but argue the weighting of that point (i.e., other points should be considered above this […]