How do you prove wage discrimination?

How do you prove wage discrimination? Under a Title VII wage discrimination claim, an employee must first prove: 1) membership in a protected group and that he or she was qualified for the position worked in; 2) an employer is practicing wage differentials based on the employee’s membership in the protected group and this has […]

What is an edict?

What is an edict? 1 : a proclamation having the force of law. 2 : order, command we held firm to Grandmother’s edict— M. F. K. Fisher. What is a royal edict or order? A Royal Decree is issued by the government. orders in council, for which the Council of State must be consulted, and. […]

What is the order of math functions?

What is the order of math functions? We can remember the order using PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). What are the three steps for solving most physics problems? Then, refer back to this discussion. FOCUS the PROBLEM. Usually when you read the statement […]

Why healthcare should be a right?

Why healthcare should be a right? Should All Americans Have the Right (Be Entitled) to Health Care?https://healthcare.procon.org Who has constitutional right to health care? Section 1. Health care, including care to prevent and treat illness, is the right of all citizens of the United States and necessary to ensure the strength of the Nation. Section […]

What is another word for abstract?

What is another word for abstract? Abstract Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for abstract? theoretical conceptual speculative hypothetical conjectural metaphysical ideational theoretic unrealistic conjectured What is an abstract conversation? Abstract conversation involves discussing topics that do not restrict the speaker to think in a particular direction. This is a major problem with the […]

Are numbers abstract or concrete?

Are numbers abstract or concrete? Numbers are non-existent impossibilities. Numbers are names for abstract concepts that do not and cannot exist. There is no such thing as One of anything. There is no such thing as One dove or Two doves. What does an abstract need? An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 […]

Which is the toughest language to learn?

Which is the toughest language to learn? The Hardest Languages In The World To Learn Mandarin. Right at the top is the most spoken language in the world: Mandarin. Arabic. Number two, Arabic, challenges English speakers because most letters are written in 4 different forms depending on where they’re placed in a word. Japanese. Hungarian. […]

Who is founder of social reconstructionism?

Who is founder of social reconstructionism? Theodore Brameld. Theodore Burghard Hurt Brameld (1904-1987) was a leading educational philosopher of the 20th century. As an American educator and educational philosopher, Brameld was best known as the founder of Social Reconstructionism. What is social reconstruction? Social reconstruction is a condition in which the population achieves a level […]

How old is Thomas Land?

How old is Thomas Land? Thomas Land (Drayton Manor) Thomas Land Opening date 15 March 2008 Staffordshire, England, U.K. Replaced Robinsons Land General statistics Attraction type Themed area How much does it cost to go to Drayton Manor? Pre-book your tickets online or through our call centre* Pre-booked online (Up to midnight the day before […]

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