Why do we need to do the right thing? Because it feels good to do the right thing You will not feel good if you retaliate, bad mouth someone, or do anything otherwise negative. You WILL feel good if you do the right thing: stay positive, focus on something else, continue to be who you […]
What is an alternative solution?
What is an alternative solution? An alternative solution is all or part of a building design that demonstrates compliance with the Building Code, but differs completely or partially from the Acceptable Solutions or Verification Methods. Whatever the reason, a design-led, non-generic approach to building is often desired or required. What does alterative mean? Definitions of […]
What was a goal of the settlement house movement?
What was a goal of the settlement house movement? Its main object was the establishment of “settlement houses” in poor urban areas, in which volunteer middle-class “settlement workers” would live, hoping to share knowledge and culture with, and alleviate the poverty of, their low-income neighbors. Why did Jane Addams advocate for the settlement house movement? […]
What are the disadvantages of a farmer?
What are the disadvantages of a farmer? Disadvantages of farming: Diseases became more common amongst people. Humans’ diets became less healthy. Gender inequality began to be defined and more common. Humans had less leisure time. More labour was required in order to keep up with farming. Weather at certain times hindered the ability of the […]
What is psychogenic pain?
What is psychogenic pain? Psychogenic pain is not an official diagnostic term. It is used to describe a pain disorder attributed to psychological factors. Such things as beliefs, fears, and strong emotions can cause, increase, or prolong pain. Does anxiety cause nerve pain? Specifically, researchers believe that high anxiety may cause nerve firing to occur […]
Do Sufis worship graves?
Do Sufis worship graves? No, they do not. They do not worship anyone or anything other than Allah. Are Sufis Shia or Sunni? did you know? Most Sufis are Sunni Muslims. Sufi orders have influenced Islam in the Balkans from the time of the Middle Ages. Sufis are sometimes targets for fundamentalists and extremists such […]
Who is the 6th District representative?
Who is the 6th District representative? Manila’s 6th congressional district Area 7.79 km2 (3.01 sq mi) Current constituency Created 1987 Representative Benny Abante Who is the representative of Charlotte NC? Congresswoman Alma Adams | Representing the 12th District of North Carolina. How old is Alma Adams? 74 years (27 May 1946) Who are the current North […]
What does expounding mean?
What does expounding mean? verb. (when intr, foll by on or about) to explain or set forth (an argument, theory, etc) in detailto expound on one’s theories; he expounded his reasoning. Is mediocre a bad word? Although some dictionaries accept the meaning of this word as “medium” or “average,” in fact its connotations are almost […]
Why does Kali have 4 arms?
Is cholera still around today?
Is cholera still around today? Cholera causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. Left untreated, cholera can be fatal within hours, even in previously healthy people. Modern sewage and water treatment have virtually eliminated cholera in industrialized countries. But cholera still exists in Africa, Southeast Asia and Haiti. Does alcohol kill cholera? When water was added to […]