What are the conventions of Romanticism?

What are the conventions of Romanticism? Unchained Romantics – Romanticismhttp://unchainedromantics.weebly.comhttp://unchainedromantics.weebly.com What are the similarities of Wordsworth and Coleridge? Most of Wordsworth’s well-known poems are reflections on nature and country life. He does have some more political offerings as well, though. Coleridge’s poetry, like his most famous long work The Rime of the Ancient Mariner , […]

Can values be objective?

Can values be objective? Objective values are those that lie outside of the individual and are not dependent upon her/his perception or belief. Some philosophers theorize that all values are relative to individuals or groups. That is, the value of everything is relative to the observer. What is marginal benefit? A marginal benefit is a […]

What problems emerged on the frontier?

What problems emerged on the frontier? The shifting frontier had devastating effects on Native American cultures. White settlers pushed Indian tribes off their lands. Resistance by the tribes often led to wars with the U.S. military, wars the tribes usually lost. Why does Turner say the frontier is closed? In his address on the significance […]

What does staid mean?

What does staid mean? marked by settled sedateness What’s another word for ornate? ornate elaborate, over-elaborate, flowery, florid, flamboyant. grandiose, pompous, pretentious, affected, high-flown, high-sounding, orotund, fulsome, magniloquent, grandiloquent, rhetorical, oratorical, bombastic, laboured, strained, overwrought, overblown, overripe, overdone, convoluted, stilted, turgid, inflated. What is antagonistic effect? Definition: A biologic response to exposure to multiple substances […]

Do any airlines fly to North Korea?

Do any airlines fly to North Korea? Air Koryo, North Korea’s national airline, can also take you to Pyongyang. Finally, there’s Air Koryo, North Korea’s national airline. Korea Konsult reports that Air Koryo operates three regular flights per week linking Beijing and Pyongyang. Can an Indian visit North Korea? Although unusual, tourism in North Korea […]

Why being a doctor is great?

Why being a doctor is great? By becoming a doctor, you take away the pain and sufferings of others by giving them medical treatment and healthcare. As a doctor, you are a continuous source of happiness for many people and their families. When you give happiness to others, you are the happiest person of the […]

What LSAT score do I need for Yale?

What LSAT score do I need for Yale? 13 Law Schools With the Highest LSAT Scores School (name) (state) Median LSAT score for full-time students entering in fall 2020 U.S. News law school rank Yale University (CT) 173 1 Harvard University (MA) 173 3 Columbia University (NY) 172 4 (tie) Stanford University (CA) 171 2 […]

What is the meaning of grim reaper?

What is the meaning of grim reaper? : death especially when personified as a man or skeleton with a scythe. What does stark reality mean? bluntly or sternly plain; not softened or glamorized: the stark reality of the schedule’s deadline. What does Starl mean? (Entry 1 of 4) 1a : rigid in or as if […]

Is Horton Hears a Who pro life?

Is Horton Hears a Who pro life? Since the 1980s, some anti-abortion rights groups have interpreted the book “Horton Hears a Who” as an anti-abortion parable. If you don’t remember, it’s the tale of Horton the elephant who discovers a whole town of tiny people living on a speck of dust. What are the townspeople […]

What it means to reason?

What it means to reason? A reason explains why you do something. Reason usually has to do with thought and logic, as opposed to emotion. If people think you show good reason, or are reasonable, it means you think things through. If people think you have a good reason for doing something, it means you […]

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