What is an example of retroactive interference?

What is an example of retroactive interference? Retroactive Interference Examples For example: If you’re an actor and must learn a new monologue for a play, you may forget the previous monologue you learned for a different play. You learn a lot of theories of communication, but as you learn new theories you have trouble recalling […]

What is a candid person?

What is a candid person? If you are candid, you speak openly without reservation. If you are forthright, you are direct and to the point, often in a blunt way. Finally, if you are ingenuous, you are sincere and stating only your genuine feelings. How do you prove lack of candor? In order to discipline […]

Which term did George Herbert Mead refer to?

Which term did George Herbert Mead refer to? Answer Expert Verified. The term that George Herbert mead used to refer a child’s awareness of the attitudes, viewpoints and expectations of the society as a whole is the generalized other. The child normally ends up taking up these account into his/her own behavior. What is social […]

What is meaning of Bo in post office?

What is meaning of Bo in post office? Branch Post Office What does Bo stand for in banking? Beneficiary Owners What is Bo medical term? BO Stands For : base out Ophthalmology | body odour | bowel | BasiOccipital | Blacked Out | Body Odor | Bowel Obstruction | Bucco-Occlusal. What does Bo mean in […]

Is Floating good for anxiety?

Is Floating good for anxiety? Floating as therapy Preliminary research has shown that floating may lower stress, anxiety and even depression by reducing how much sensory input the brain and nervous system receive (because you’re suspended in water in the dark with earplugs in, duh). How often should you float? How often should I float? […]

What is the main idea of allegory of the cave?

What is the main idea of allegory of the cave? The main theme of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in the Republic is that human perception cannot derive true knowledge, and instead, real knowledge can only come via philosophical reasoning. In Plato’s example, prisoners live their entire lives in a cave, only able to see […]

Can a college take away your degree?

Can a college take away your degree? Yes. University and college degrees are based on not only your academic integrity, but on some Student Code of Conduct issues, as well. If a university or college discovered that a former student committed plagiarism or other types of academic fraud to “earn” that degree, it can be […]

What is accumulative rate?

What is accumulative rate? under capitalism, the ratio of an accumulated sum of surplus value to operating capital or to the mass of surplus value; under socialism, the ratio of the value of that part of the surplus product which goes for accumulation to the value of the entire surplus product. Does cumulative mean total? […]

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