What is an operational definition of a variable? Operational variables (or operationalizing definitions) refer to how you will define and measure a specific variable as it is used in your study. For example, if we are concerned with the effect of media violence on aggression, then we need to be very clear what we mean […]
Why did Hercules kill his wife?
Why did Hercules kill his wife? Determined to make him suffer, Hera once again interfered in Hercules’s life. Hera used her power to get inside Hercules’s head. He fell into madness and went insane with rage. Under Hera’s dark influence, he gruesomely murdered his beloved wife and children. Why did Hercules kill Cerberus? According to […]
What is wrong with Jenny?
How long is a narrative review?
How long is a narrative review? A narrative (educational) review may or may not have a structured Abstract; often an unstructured Abstract may be most relevant and should not exceed 200 words, followed by at least 3 key words for indexing. What is the purpose of a narrative review? Defining and Analyzing the Problem A […]
How long does a common octopus live?
How long does a common octopus live? Giant Pacific octopus: 3 – 5 years What is the lifespan of a female octopus? Octopuses have a relatively short life expectancy; some species live for as little as six months. The giant Pacific octopus, one of the two largest species of octopus, may live for as much as […]
How did God use the donkey?
What are the 7 principles of photography?
What are the 7 principles of photography? The seven principles of art and design in photography; balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity and movement, form the foundation of visual arts. Using the seven principles allows you to take greater control of your photographic practice. This will lead to better photos and more photographic opportunities. What […]
What makes a tool a tool?
What makes a tool a tool? A tool is an object that can extend an individual’s ability to modify features of the surrounding environment. Although many animals use simple tools, only human beings, whose use of stone tools dates back hundreds of millennia, have been observed using tools to make other tools. How did tools […]
What are the Jesuits known for?
What are the Jesuits known for? Jesuit, member of the Society of Jesus (S.J.), a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola, noted for its educational, missionary, and charitable works. How many years does it take to become a Jesuit? Formation for priesthood normally takes between 8 and 17 years, […]
Is genetic engineering good or bad?
Is genetic engineering good or bad? The possible benefits of genetic engineering include: More nutritious food. Tastier food. Disease- and drought-resistant plants that require fewer environmental resources (such as water and fertilizer) Why is mosaicism bad? For example, errors occurring at the time of the second cleavage may result in a greater proportion of abnormal […]