What is Mysterium Tremendum?

What is Mysterium Tremendum? noun A great or profound mystery, especially the mystery of God or of existence; the overwhelming awe felt by a person contemplating such a mystery In theological contexts the term is associated particularly with the German Protestant theologian Rudolf Otto ( What is Otto’s theory of religion? The basic position of […]

What does ENVI mean?

What does ENVI mean? Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) What is the meaning of firewood? Firewood is any wooden material that is gathered and used for fuel. Generally, firewood is not highly processed and is in some sort of recognizable log or branch form, compared to other forms of wood […]

Why did they kill Jesse James?

Why did they kill Jesse James? One of America’s most famous criminals, Jesse James, is shot to death by fellow gang member Bob Ford, who betrayed James for reward money. For 16 years, Jesse and his brother, Frank, committed robberies and murders throughout the Midwest. Did Frank James kill anyone? Frank went on to live […]

Is willful ignorance a crime?

Is willful ignorance a crime? In criminal cases, willful ignorance is meant to substitute for actual knowledge: When the defendant does not actually know p, but was willfully ignorant of it, courts may treat her as if she actually knew p. What is willful blindness? Willful blindness is generally defined as an attempt to avoid […]

What is essentialism example?

What is essentialism example? Essentialism is the view that certain categories (e.g., women, racial groups, dinosaurs, original Picasso artwork) have an underlying reality or true nature that one cannot observe directly. One woman reported that she sensed her donor’s “male energy” and “purer essence” (Sylvia & Novak, 1997; pp. Who coined the term essentialism? Aristotle […]

How do you prove mens rea?

How do you prove mens rea? To be found guilty of a crime, the prosecution must prove that there was a physical action, actus reus, and a state of mind to commit a crime, known as mens rea. Mens rea is concerned with what the defendant was thinking at the time he committed the actus […]

Is it OK to hug your doctor?

Is it OK to hug your doctor? Avoid Hugging Your Patient. Although there are many pro-hug physicians, there are also many who are strongly against it. Many physicians are adamantly opposed to hugging because they believe that it changes the physician/patient relationship and creates potential risks. Can a nurse have a relationship with a patient? […]

How do you identify a colony?

How do you identify a colony? A colony is defined as a visible mass of microorganisms all originating from a single mother cell, therefore a colony constitutes a clone of bacteria all genetically alike. In the identification of bacteria and fungi much weight is placed on how the organism grows in or on media. What […]

How do you summon the Pumpkinhead?

How do you summon the Pumpkinhead? Invoking Pumpkinhead can seemingly only be invoked by those who are truly pressed to take revenge (Or at least that’s been the case before), at the cost of a small amount of blood delivered to the witch in a cup, who is able to awaken him. Does the dog […]

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