What is revaluation account?

What is revaluation account? Revaluation account is a nominal account, which is prepared for the distribution and transfer of profits and losses arising due to the increase and decrease of the book value of assets and liabilities during change in profit sharing ratio, admission of a partner, retirement of a partner and death of a […]

Is Razor better than Chongyun?

Is Razor better than Chongyun? Razor a phys melee type while Chongyun is a burst DPS type. Razor is physical DPS so he can be used in pretty much any situation. He is also a 1 trick pony. If you are looking for a Main DPS and like his style, he will work really well […]

What do rosary beads mean?

What do rosary beads mean? The Rosary Beads are used to help us; they count our prayers and tell us which prayer to say. We being the Rosary Prayer with the Crucifix. We make the Sign of the Cross as we say: + In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of […]

Is God the first cause of everything?

Is God the first cause of everything? Aquinas argued that our world works in the same way Someone or something must have caused the world to exist The cause is God, the effect is the world Aquinas stated that this cause (which is outside our world) is the first cause – that is, the one […]

What do you study in fine arts?

What do you study in fine arts? Fine arts refers to visual art that is created primarily for beauty and meaning. Examples of fine arts fields are painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics and, recently, many universities are adding theater to their fine arts programs. Why do we study fine art? Students learn to problem solve throughout […]

What are some sub genres?

What are some sub genres? 144 Genres and Subgenres for Fiction Writing Fantasy. Horror. Mystery. Romance. Science Fiction. Thriller and Suspense. Western. What is genre of a story? What Is Genre? Genre is a style or category of art, music, or literature. As an author, genre controls what you write and how you write it. […]

How are Cartesian planes used in real life?

How are Cartesian planes used in real life? The Cartesian coordinate plane of x and y works well with many simple situations in real life. In other settings, your smartphone screen also uses a Cartesian coordinate plane to track where you’re touching on the screen, and PDF files or images have a plane to specify […]

What is utang na loob reciprocity?

What is utang na loob reciprocity? utang na loob (debt of gratitude) reciprocity. Contractual. reciprocity supposes a voluntary agreement between two or. more people to behave toward one another in a specified way. for a specified time in the future.2 An example of this is found. Is Pakikisama as a Filipino trait developmental? Pakikisama is […]

Who is stronger Galeem or Dharkon?

Who is stronger Galeem or Dharkon? Dharkon’s existence is probably multiple beings, and is the embodiment of Zero’s power and emotion. This means Dharkon would inherently be stronger and more powerful than Galeem. They are both high universal+ to even being multiversal (Smash Bros Multiverse (Subspace, Smash World, all other game’s universes)). Is Galeem a […]

What is life according to Einstein?

What is life according to Einstein? “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. What is happiness theory? Our theory holds that there […]

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