What are the topics for speech?

What are the topics for speech? List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment How will recycling help us? Should there be a ban on smoking in public places? Should zoos be banned? Should there be a ban on animal testing? Will banning plastic bags help? Should exotic animals be kept as pets? Is the government […]

What is a circumstance?

What is a circumstance? 1a : a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another : an essential or inevitable concomitant the weather is a circumstance to be taken into consideration. What are examples of circumstances? Any happening or fact; event. For example, if a car hits a child, the fact that immediate medical […]

What made the merchant rich?

What made the merchant rich? Merchants have been known for as long as humans have engaged in trade and commerce. During the European medieval period, a rapid expansion in trade and commerce led to the rise of a wealthy and powerful merchant class. What did merchants forget? Ans. The merchant forget to pay for the […]

How do you test critical thinking in an interview?

How do you test critical thinking in an interview? You can determine a candidate’s critical thinking skills by asking them to describe past experiences or presenting them with hypothetical scenarios. Your questions should be thought-provoking, but not tricky for the sake of it. You are there to encourage a candidate to give a full response. […]

What does Pinga mean in Cuban?

What does Pinga mean in Cuban? #4 Pinga is… Literally translated it refers to the male genital organ. However, conjugated in a wide variety of ways and placed into all sort of different contexts, it can mean anything from “it is horrible” (está de Pinga), “amazing” (empinagado), “what the hell is up with you” (qué […]

Is Phaethon a mortal?

Is Phaethon a mortal? Looking for his father According to the Greek Mythology, Phaethon, whose name means “shining”, was the son of the Sun-God Helios and a mortal woman, Clymene. When he reached the palace of Helios, he was astonished at its magnificence and luxury. Does Apollo drive the Sun Chariot? In legend, the ancient […]

Which Chemoreceptor is most sensitive?

Which Chemoreceptor is most sensitive? Peripheral Chemoreceptors The respiratory rate and tidal volume are increased to allow more oxygen to enter the lungs and subsequently diffuse into the blood. Blood flow is directed towards the kidneys and the brain (as these organs are the most sensitive to hypoxia). Which condition is most likely to cause […]

How do you identify self interest?

How do you identify self interest? And here are five ways to start doing that today. Slow Down. This may sound counterintuitive, but you need to slow down and get off the treadmill in order to find your passion. Be Your Own Life Detective. Give Yourself Permission to Explore. Reach Out to People. Stay Open […]

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