What retribution means?

What retribution means? 1 : recompense, reward. 2 : the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter. 3 : something given or exacted in recompense especially : punishment. What does fettered mean? 1 : a chain or shackle for the feet. 2 : something that confines : restraint. fetter. verb. fettered; […]

What is natural law and its relation to ethics?

What is natural law and its relation to ethics? Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behavior. Natural law maintains that these rules of right and wrong are inherent in people and are not created by society or court judges. […]

What is Ed Miliband brother called?

What is Ed Miliband brother called? While David Miliband led the share of the electoral college votes in the first three rounds, he lost in the final round (50.65% to 49.35%) to his brother Ed. Is IRC an NGO? The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development nongovernmental organization. Founded […]

What is AVPU response?

What is AVPU response? The AVPU scale (an acronym from “alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive”) is a system by which a health care professional can measure and record a patient’s level of consciousness. It is a simplification of the Glasgow Coma Scale, which assesses a patient response in three measures: eyes, voice and motor skills. What […]

What are the similarities between philosophy and religion?

What are the similarities between philosophy and religion? Religion has its basis in belief. Philosophy , on the other hand, is a critic of belief and belief systems. Philosophy subjects what some would be satisfied in believing to severe examination. Philosophy looks for rational explications and justifications for beliefs. What do the three major religions […]

How many tRNA do we have?

How many tRNA do we have? 61 What charges tRNA? Before an amino acid can be incorporated into a growing polypeptide, it must first be attached to a molecule called transfer RNA, or tRNA, in a process known as tRNA charging. The charged tRNA will then carry the activated amino acid to the ribosome. How […]

What do axes symbolize?

What do axes symbolize? The axe is most often used as a symbol of creation. As axes were closely associated with thunder, it also naturally became associated with rain, an important giver of life. The axe is also a symbol of destruction, as it can be used as a weapon, as was often the case […]

Why did Krishna did not marry Radha?

Why did Krishna did not marry Radha? Radha and Krishna were separated because of Shridhama’s curse. Shridhama was a friend and a devotee of Shri Krishna, who believed that Bhakti (devotion) is higher than Prem (live). Therefore, he did not want people to take Radha’s name before Krishna’s. What happened to Radha after marrying Ayan? […]

How many types of raw materials are there?

How many types of raw materials are there? Types of raw materials Plant/tree-based – materials like vegetables, fruits, flowers, wood, resin, latex are obtained from plants and trees. Animal-based– materials like leather, meat, bones, milk, wool, silk are all obtained from animals. Mining-based– materials like minerals, metals, crude oil, coal, etc. What is API raw […]

Is human an organism?

Is human an organism? Humans, squids, mushrooms, and vascular plants are examples of multicellular organisms that differentiate specialized tissues and organs during development. An organism may be either a prokaryote or a eukaryote. Fungi, animals and plants are examples of kingdoms of organisms within the eukaryotes. What enzymes do viruses have? In these cases, the […]

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