Who Wrote The Trolley Problem?

Who Wrote The Trolley Problem? Philippa Foot Is it trolly or trolley? As nouns the difference between trolly and trolley is that trolly is while trolley is (australian|new zealand|british) a cart or shopping cart. Is trolly a word? noun, verb (used with or without object), plural trol·lies,trol·lied, trol·ly·ing. less common variant of trolley. What is […]

How do you explain ethos?

How do you explain ethos? Ethos is a Greek word meaning ‘character’. In terms of persuasive language, it is an appeal to authority and credibility. Ethos is a means of convincing an audience of the reliable character or credibility of the speaker/writer, or the credibility of the argument. How do you explain ethos in an […]

How do you fix self-selection bias?

How do you fix self-selection bias? How to avoid selection biases Using random methods when selecting subgroups from populations. Ensuring that the subgroups selected are equivalent to the population at large in terms of their key characteristics (this method is less of a protection than the first, since typically the key characteristics are not known). […]

Who is Pontus?

Who is Pontus? In Greek mythology, Pontus (/ˈpɒntəs/; Greek: Πόντος, translit. “Sea”) was an ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god, one of the Greek primordial deities. Pontus was Gaia’s son and has no father; according to the Greek poet Hesiod, he was born without coupling, though according to Hyginus, Pontus is the son of Aether and Gaia. Where […]

What do you call a modern person?

What do you call a modern person? contemporary person. homo sapiens. homo sapiens sapiens. human race in modern times. What is the opposite of a modern house? New is opposed to old, modern to ancient, recent to remote, young to old, aged, etc. See synonyms for OLD. What is the opposite of modern in French? […]

What is phylogenetic species concept?

What is phylogenetic species concept? The concept of a species as an irreducible group whose members are descended from a common ancestor and who all possess a combination of certain defining, or derived, traits (see apomorphy). What is a Morphospecies? : a taxonomic species based wholly on morphological differences from related species. What defines a […]

What do you mean by fuzzy sets?

What do you mean by fuzzy sets? A fuzzy set is a pair where is a set (often required to be non-empty) and a membership function. The reference set (sometimes denoted by or ) is called universe of discourse, and for each the value is called the grade of membership of in . The function […]

How do you show authenticity?

How do you show authenticity? 9 Powerful Ways Great Leaders Show Real Authenticity They know who they are. They have high emotional intelligence. They know how to manage fear. They dream of a brighter future. They genuinely express themselves. They do not strive for perfection. They love and accept who they are. They always ask […]

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