What are models with example?

What are models with example? The definition of a model is a specific design of a product or a person who displays clothes, poses for an artist. An example of a model is a hatch back version of a car. An example of a model is a woman who wears a designer’s clothes to show […]

What is fear of being touched called?

What is fear of being touched called? People with haphephobia have a fear of being touched. With haphephobia, human touch can be overpowering and even painful. In some cases, the fear is specific to only one gender, while in other cases the fear relates to all people. Haphephobia may also be referred to as thixophobia […]

What makes a good science fiction story?

What makes a good science fiction story? What makes a good Science Fiction story as opposed to a story is that the ideas are the main characters. If ideas do not mean more, have more impact, creativity and engagement with the reader than the characters, its not good sci fi, its just fiction with space […]

What happens leap 5?

What happens leap 5? What is leap five? Wonder Week’s leap five is referred to as “The World of Relationships.” Broken down in simple terms, your baby can now understand the distance between two objects as well as the placement of objects. This means that when you walk away, your baby knows how far you […]

When should I use best or better?

When should I use best or better? When you use best, you say it in absolute terms. While better is used in relative terms. “Better” is a comparative, i.e. it is a relationship between two things. “Best” is a superlative, i.e. it states the position of this one thing compared to all the other things […]

Can your ego kill you?

Can your ego kill you? Confidence is healthy, ego is destructive. There’s a famous expression: ‘Too much ego will kill your talent,’ but it will not only kill your talent, it will kill you career, your relationships and your happiness. Too much ego can actually ruin your life. How do I fulfill my soul? Here […]

How did Romans build arches?

How did Romans build arches? The ancient Romans created an arch that could support huge amounts of weight. How did the Romans accomplish this? The answer lies with a material called concrete. Using a mixture that included lime and volcanic sand, the Romans created a very strong and durable type of concrete. What was the […]

Is Descartes an empiricist?

Is Descartes an empiricist? Rationalism and empiricism only conflict when formulated to cover the same subject. Thus, Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz are the Continental Rationalists in opposition to Locke, Berkeley and Hume, the British Empiricists. Why is Descartes a rationalist? Descartes was the first of the modern rationalists. He thought that only knowledge of eternal […]

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