How efficient is monopolistic competition?

How efficient is monopolistic competition? Because a good is always priced higher than its marginal cost, a monopolistically competitive market can never achieve productive or allocative efficiency. Because monopolistic firms set prices higher than marginal costs, consumer surplus is significantly less than it would be in a perfectly competitive market. Why perfect competition is efficient? […]

How did glasses change the world?

How did glasses change the world? Economic Impact. The invention of eyeglasses has increased productivity over the ages. In the past, active, productive members of society had to stop working, writing, reading and using their hands for skillful tasks at a relatively young age. With eyeglasses, these members were able to continue their work. Which […]

Why is Judith not in the Bible?

Why is Judith not in the Bible? Reasons for its exclusion include the lateness of its composition, possible Greek origin, open support of the Hasmonean dynasty (to which the early rabbinate was opposed), and perhaps the brash and seductive character of Judith herself. Who did Judith kill in the Bible? general Sisera What did Judith […]

Is a 25 minute nap good?

Is a 25 minute nap good? Sleep for no longer than 30 minutes: The ideal nap duration is around 20 minutes and should be no longer than 30 minutes. This helps prevent the body from reaching the deeper stages of sleep, and it keeps a person from waking up feeling groggy. What’s the perfect nap? […]

What is considered obscene language?

What is considered obscene language? For content to be ruled obscene, it must meet a three-pronged test established by the Supreme Court: It must appeal to an average person’s prurient interest; depict or describe sexual conduct in a “patently offensive” way; and, taken as a whole, lack serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. Who […]

Is Fordham a hard school?

Is Fordham a hard school? Fordham’s core curriculum is too stringent, but it’s actually a fairly tough-grading school and it is reasonably hard to do well. Fordham’s education is both geared for a job and toward learning for its own sake. Fordham’s core curriculum is learning for its own sake in its purest form. Are […]

What is the best IVF clinic in UK?

What is the best IVF clinic in UK? CRGH What is the age limit for IVF in UK? Women aged 40 to 42 they’ve been trying to get pregnant through regular unprotected sex for 2 years, or haven’t been able to get pregnant after 12 cycles of artificial insemination. What fertility clinic has the highest […]

Who is the father of biology?

Who is the father of biology? Aristotle What are the 5 basic principles of biology? The foundation of biology as it exists today is based on five basic principles They are the cell theory, gene theory, evolution, homeostasis, and laws of thermodynamics Cell Theory: all living organisms are composed of cells How do we use […]

Why did my snake pee on me?

Why did my snake pee on me? Snake Peeing Due to Nervousness If your pet snake is constantly peeing soon after you pick it up, it could well be a case of nerves. Remember, snakes are essentially wild creatures, and they need to be slowly tamed and acclimatized so that they get used to being […]

What does it mean for a drug to be decriminalized?

What does it mean for a drug to be decriminalized? Decriminalization or decriminalisation is the lessening or termination of criminal penalties in relation to certain acts, perhaps retroactively, though perhaps regulated permits or fines might still apply (for contrast, see: legalization). What can we learn from the Portuguese decriminalization of illicit drugs? It concludes that […]

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