Does anti glare coating wear off? The average AR coating should last about 2 years in my experience under moderate temperature and cleaning abuse,but if you are exposing your glasses to more extremes they could break down within a few months. Can I put anti glare on my glasses myself? Can I Add Anti-Reflective Coating […]
What is a join between atoms called?
What is a join between atoms called? When two electrons are shared between two neighbouring atoms, they are said to be joined by a covalent bond. When covalent bonds form between atoms, the resulting entity is called a molecule with a fixed characteristic geometry. What is the basic unit of matter? In turn, the atom […]
Can atoms be broken down into smaller pieces?
Can atoms be broken down into smaller pieces? Under normal circumstances an atom can be broken down into any smaller particles, but we humans, have devised ways to break the atom apart. An atom itself is made up of three tiny kinds of particles called subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. How many atoms are […]
What is the most dangerous indoor air pollution?
What is the most dangerous indoor air pollution? Cigarette Smoke What are the most threatening indoor air pollutants? The six most dangerous indoor air pollutants are: Asbestos. Carbon Monoxide. Lead. Mold. Radon. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) What are the most harmful air pollutants? Pollen. Mold. Lead. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Ozone (O3) […]
Can depreciation be deferred?
Can depreciation be deferred? Depreciation is the loss in value an asset sustains over its useful life. However, depreciation can not be deferred. Why is depreciation a deferred tax liability? The depreciation of fixed assets is a common example that leads to a deferred tax liability. Usually, a company will report depreciation in their financial […]
What are the two types of surface waves?
What are the two types of surface waves? The two types of surface waves are named Love waves and Rayleigh waves, after the scientists who identified them. Love waves have a horizontal motion that moves the surface from side to side perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling. Of the two surface waves, Love […]
How does the shockwave of an explosion kill?
How does the shockwave of an explosion kill? Blast Effects Most damage comes from the explosive blast. The shock wave of air radiates outward, producing sudden changes in air pressure that can crush objects, and high winds that can knock objects down. For the most part, a nuclear blast kills people by indirect means rather […]
What is the moral of the story Frankenstein?
What is the moral of the story Frankenstein? One message conveyed by Frankenstein is the danger that lies with considering the negative consequences of science and technology after-the-fact, instead of before. What is the overall message of Frankenstein? Shelley’s most pressing and obvious message is that science and technology can go to far. The ending […]
Which measures of center and spread would you use for this distribution?
How does gradient change discharge?
How does gradient change discharge? While gradient decreases between a stream’s headwaters and mouth, discharge increases. Gradient and discharge determine the velocity of a stream. What is a stream profile? A stream profile is a cross-section view of a stream from its headwaters to its mouth. What is the relationship between urbanization and water supply? […]